Are You Cheating!?

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After The War

3rd Person

Adora laid down on the bed thinking about her relationship. She wants to take Catra on a date but doesn't know how to ask. She had gone to Glimmer for advice but she still wants to choose a location. She decided it'll be a picnic in the woods. She smiled at her decision before she stood up and left her bedroom. She walked through the halls looking for her friend.

"Glimmer?" She called out looking around. She opened the dinning room door. She saw Glimmer at the table and smiled.

"Hey Glimmer!"

"Adora! Welcome to my hell hole!" Glimmer said tiredly.


"Nothing, what do you need?" Glimmer asked as Adora sat down.

"I need help for a date, do you know the hill in the woods?"

"Thats a great spot! But um well I'm doing a lot of things right now so why don't you go ask Bow? He's in his room." Glimmer said nervously. Adora nodded with with smile on her face as she stood up.

"Thanks Glimmer!"

"Yeah no problem!" She responded before paying attention to her papers of complaints. Adora ventured through the halls feeling more happy. She arrived outside of Bow's bedroom and knocked.

"Yeah?" She opened the door and Bow smiled at her.

"Hey Adora! What's up?" He asked standing up.

"Can you help me set up for a date with Catra?" Adora asked bringing stars to Bow's eyes. He nodded quickly causing Adora to smile.

"Thank you so much! I'm thinking about a picnic in the woods!" Adora asked and Bow nodded in approval. The two ventured off into the woods with everything they need to set up. A few hours pass and the two finished setting up the perfect picnic. Adora couldn't be happier. She hugged Bow one last time before she entered the castle.

"Bye Adora! Good luck!" Bow called out and Adora waved in return. She ran throughout the castle looking for her super close friend, Glimmer. She needed her advice this time, mostly for what she should and shouldn't say. She checked everywhere, even the dinning room but couldn't find her. She rubbed her head confused but then remembered her bedroom. She slowly went to her bedroom door and was about to knock until she heard chatter. She peeked her head through the chat and saw Glimmer talking with Catra.

"So if this is going to work out you can't tell her about any of this."

"Why would I tell her? It's supposed to be a secret Sparkles." Catra said and Glimmer nodded.

"Right. So, let me show you how to kiss."

Adora had enough. She didn't want to hear anything else so she left, left Brightmoon. She walked all the way to her picnic spot and sat down sadly.

"Why would Catra cheat on me? I thought we were perfect." She mumbled hugging her knees sadly.

Catra exited the bedroom grinning. She was excited that's for sure. She ran all the way to their bedroom and opened the door.

"Adora!" She said before noticing that her girlfriend wasn't there. She simply shrugged it off and searched around the castle. However she still couldn't find her which filled the feline with worry. Catra opened her 50th door and saw Bow tinkering with an arrow.

"Bow?" Catra asked so he looked up.

"Hey Catra!" He waved and she forced a smile.

"Do you know where Adora is?" She asked and he nodded with a smile on his face.

"She planned a picnic for you but she left already, couldn't find her." Bow confessed looking back down at his arrow. He continued to tinker with his arrow but Catra didn't leave.

"Well where is it?" Catra asked as Bow looked up again.

"A hill in the woods, Glimmer knows where it is. You can go to her." Bow said as Catra blushed.

"Ah yeah heh, I'll go now." She said racing out of the bedroom. Oh jeez this is going to be awkward. She thought while approaching Glimmer's bedroom. She sighed before opening the door.

"H-Hey Sparkles,"

"Oh back again, what's up?"

"Can you teleport me to Adora? The spot in the woods, I think Bow said the hill." Catra said trying to remember. Glimmer nodded and teleported to her.


"Yes," The two teleported to the spot near the hill. Glimmer gave her a thumbs up before teleporting back to Brightmoon. Catra walked up to the hill and sat down but Adora didn't notice her, she was too busy crying.

"Adora?" Catra asked after hearing her sobs. The blonde glared at Catra before burying her head in her knees again.

"Whats wrong?"

"Leave me alone," Adora mumbled but Catra moved closer.

"I uh wanted to-"

"Tell me something? That your cheating on me?" Adora asked, sad but aggressively. Catra was taken back.

"I'm not cheating on you!"

"B-But you and Glimmer..." Adora choked out as Catra chuckled.


"You got it wrong Princess, I actually wanted to go on a date with you and she was just teaching me how to not fuck it up." Catra confessed rubbing her arm. Adora wiped her eyes and finally locked eyes with Catra.

"But she said not to tell me."

"Oh that's because she didn't want you to get jealous or misinterpret it,"

"Oh. Oh... sorry,"

"Don't apologize it's not your fault." Catra said holding Adora's hand. Adora moved over and leaned her head on Catra's shoulder.

"Hey, Princess."


"Look up for a sec," Adora looked up only for Catra to kiss her. She kissed back until Catra pulled away. She internally cheered that she did it right.

"I love you Princess, I'd never cheat on you."

"Thats reassuring, I love you too." Adora said. Then the two enjoyed the rest of their date.

Didn't double check

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