Left Out?

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     After a long, hectic schedule, they got a week off. Everyone decided to leave the dorms and back to their family's house apart from the maknaes. Taehyung stayed because his family went on a vacation to Thailand, there wasn't a point for him to head back. However, Jimin and Jungkook did not go back to their families, nor did they stay in the dorms. They both went to Jungkook's own house without Taehyung. Taehyung obviously does not know any of this, if he did, he would have went with his boyfriends, he thought that Jungkook and Jimin were both going back to their families as well.

     Jungkook POV
I have not spent time with Jimin alone for a very long time. I know he misses the attention and love before Taehyung came into our relationship. That's why I have took advantage of this break and I brought Jimin to my house to spend some quality time together. Taehyung does not know about this, we didn't tell him, if we did, we would have to bring him along, then all this planning would have gone to waste.

Back to author POV.
     Jungkook and Jimin were spending an amazing time with each other. It has been three days, they did different things, cooking, yoga, crafts, cuddles, talks, movie marathons..... They even had fun in bed several times. On the other hand, Taehyung was alone in their huge dorm. He ate fast food  or cup noodles everyday and had no one to talk to. He waited for his boyfriends call every day and night, but nothing seems to be happening. Tonight, taehyung had kimchi with jjajangmyeon for dinner, he had a shower and layed in bed holding his phone. He did this everyday since the first day of their break, waiting for a call or a text from his boyfriends but nothing came along. He does nothing but staring at the lock screen of his phone which is a picture of his boyfriends, desperately wanting a notification ping popping up. He was just about to fall asleep when someone called. Taehyung immediately opened his eyes and looked. It was Jimin, taehyung smiled and answered.
"Hiiiiii!" Tae greeted
"Hey baby." Jimin said
"Are you with your family now, can I see them?" Tae asked
Jimin hesitated before answering, but still decided to hide it from Tae.
"Yea, they are asleep though, I will show you another day." Jimin answered.
"I miss you" Tae said, about to slip.
"I miss you too baby" Jimin Said.

"Come let's go to bed baby" Jungkook said to Jimin, not knowing he was on a call with Taehyung.
"Who was that" Taehyung asked
"Huh? No one baby, I have to go now, bye" Jimin quickly said
Before Taehyung could say anything, Jimin declined. Taehyung wasn't stupid, he could recognise his boyfriends voice, he knew clearly that it was Jungkook. He didn't know what to think, he was vulnerable and slipped into little space. Little Tae knew what happened too, he took his stuffy and laid in bed. The tears unconsciously rolled down his cheeks. He started to overthink.
"Daddy and dada no wike tae anymwore, they must fink tae is annowying and they no wove me" The more he thought, the sadder it gets. He gradually cried himself to sleep.

The next morning when Tae woke up he went to the bathroom and saw his red puffy, swollen eyes. He recalled the events last night, the tears formed in his eyes again. He was very sad, he thought of many different reasons on why did his boyfriends left him out during the break, but the only reason that convinced him was that his boyfriends no longer loved him....

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