How My Lord Aches For The Flower, How I Ache For My Lord (Extended)-Part 1

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He ran forward whilst tears fell and stayed behind him. Xie Lian voiced this in his heart: he believed.
He believed that this man would die for him again and again, and would be reborn for him over and over. Even if he fell into the depths of hell, he would break through the abyss for his "belief".
Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other.
This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other's embrace.

Xie Lian suddenly wanted to cry loudly, as if seeing the person finally standing in front of him reminded him of all those days without this man beside him. Xie Lian wasn't impatient back then. But when he was into this person's embrace now, all those time seemed painful, full of ache and despair. Tears streamed down to his face to the other's robe, making it wet.

Xie Lian felt a wetness in his shoulder, soaked through his white robe. He opened his eyes, wide in sudden realisation. He wasn't the only one who waited, he wasn't the only one who believed.

Hua Cheng always seemed to stand strong, proud. He wasn't someone who would show his weakness. But if it was His Highness, then maybe, maybe he could open up. Maybe he could cry to let out the despair of 800 years.

After a while they both pulled off from the hug and Hua Cheng cupped Xie Lian's face, wiping off the tears with his thumb.

Xie Lian smiled slightly and he also extended his hand to wipe off the other's tears.

The 3000 lanterns illuminating their faces with a soft light.

"San Lang I..."
"Gege I... "

Both of them had spoken at the same time and then started laughing at the same time.

No need to say it, they knew it already.

I missed you. I missed you so much.

The cart that Xie Lian had abandoned finally arrived behind them. There Xie Lian as usual had collected his daily scraps.

Hua Cheng extended his hand and took the scraps out.

"Let me carry it, gege."

Xie Lian didn't protest. He nodded smilingly and put away the other things before following him.

Hua Cheng and Xie Lian stood before the door of Xie Lian's humble hut. Suddenly this reminded him of the first time he had invited San Lang into his shabby house. Now it feels like it's been ages. San Lang was still a spoiled teenager in his view back then.

"San lang, if you don't mind the shabbiness, then we can stay the night here."

Hua Cheng gave him a smile and nodded, "If it's with gege, I feel like I'm home even when I'm under open sky."

Xie Lian blushed slightly and opened the door, trying to hide his embarassment.

Hua Cheng followed him with a small smile painted on his face, a smell of fresh home seem to hit him.

The hut was one man made, it seemed very small. There was only a few necessary things inside the home.

A mattress was folded neatly on the inner side.

"Gege, you still don't sleep in bed?", Hua Cheng seemed slightly displeased.

" It's too much bothersome to have a bed. I was just thinking about making one but then got busy in this or that," Xie lian hastily made an excuse.

Hua Cheng didn't pester him more about this matter and went to unfold the matress, to set the bed.

Xie Lian coughed slightly to have the other's attention and said with a slight shy voice, "San Lang, I, uhm I will go and take quick bath," and then he almost ran away from the other's view.

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