Chapter 5

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💜Diana's pov 💜
We are changing the city of the tour we're going to Wolverhampton , where Liam It's from , I'm a little bit insecure, because there will be new people, that I don't fucking know , I just wanna go to my hotel room , we're are on the black van , and I'm so uncomfortable I'm too close to them , so I'm in the backseat with harry while the boys are getting on the Paul's nerves as always , he's the 1D bodyguard, he's big , he scares me a lot .
I was cuddling with my brother, trying to calm myself down this was one of the most agonizing trips until now .
" Di ?" Harry said getting my attention
" are you excited? , like for changing of city? "
I just shrugged
" how long until we get there ? " I asked impatiently
" hum .... i dunno, wait let me ask him, hey , Liam , how long until we get there ?" He asked   
" well , more 20 minutes mate " Liam answered
I closed my eyes trying to forget the fact that I'm around boys , that it's like torture to me .

We were there , Liam was showing around.
" Hazza I'm tired , when are going to the hotel room ?" I asked
" Hotel room ?!" Louis asked
I nodded confused
" there's no hotel room Diana , we're staying on Liam's house ,  so we don't have to pay , and he can spend time with his family" Louis said
" no .... this is a joke right , you are just joking around " I said and they were looking at me like I was crazy
" sorry Di but it's the true "  I started shaking, and hyperventilating
" Di ? Diana?" Louis and zayn called worried
I was not ok , I have to go to his house with the boys, and I don't even fucking know his family.....
I can't take it anymore, so I run away like as fast as possible, I don't even cared about where I was going , but I should have thought about it first before I ran ,because I didn't know the city .
But I found a park it looks really really peaceful so I sat down on the bench , thinking .....
💚Harry's pov 💚
I don't know why she ran away but I went  get her, where ?I don't know , but she's pretty fast , and I didn't saw , for each direction she was going , so I'm lost
I was desperate, where is she , I started hyperventilating , and crying, I'll be so dead by my mom if I lost her , and if happens anything to her.
" harry calm down we're going to find her ,I promise " Nialler said , I notice that he's been a little protective of her , why ? I don't fucking know .
" Liam please you are our only option, cmon you know this city , you were born here so help me " I said in panic
" yeah sure , hum , let me think .... we could turn the left, right there " he said , and all of us followed  him
We walked a lot ,until we stop in a peaceful park
" one question she like peaceful places ?" Liam asked
" yeah pretty much "
" so I think she's here, let's search "
We looked everywhere, and then I saw  a girl with large clothes and brown hair , it's her , I run to her as fast as possible.
She was sitting on the bench with her hands on her face and her arms resting on her knees , I came closer and got down on my knees to stay at the same level of her face
" Di?" I said with my voice cracking
She raised her head to look at me
I hugged her so tight
" harry, I can't breathe " she said
" sorry" I said wiping her tears
" I don't wanna go to Liam's house " she said desperately
" why ? " I asked, but then I remembered what Niall said ' do not insist ' .
She stayed silent , and I didn't ask her anything more , I didn't want to insist .
So I take her with me, to get to the boys that they stayed at the entrance of the park
" di it's ok , I'll be there all the time with you ok " she nodded and hugged me from the side .
We found the boys and went where they were
" omg thank god you are okay " Niall said taking a deep breath of relief
She just looked down
" I'm sorry " she said " for ran away "
" it's ok , I don't know why you did what you did but it's ok " Liam  said  sweetly

💜Diana's pov 💜
We are in front of Liam's house, I was extremely nervous, I feel like my heart would jump out of my chest , and my palms were sweating .
I felt my brother's hand on my shoulder as a sign of comfort
Liam knocked on the door, and i think it's his mom opened
" LIAMMM " she yelled hugging him and kissing him on his cheeks
" oh and the rest of the boys , how are you ?come on in " she said , she's very sweet
She was smiling and then she went greet them
" hello , who's this beautiful girl?" She asked smiling
" it's your girlfriend harry , or any of the boys ? Liam ? " she asked
" NO JESUS CHRIST " I said with a disgusted look " I'm Harry's sister "
" Omg I'm so sorry I thought that you were his girlfriend " she said laughing
" I mean my brother's it's cute and hot but no he's my brother " I said awkwardly
" oh ok , but if  you are not dating harry obviously, are you dating any of them ? Like I don't know my Liam ? " she asked
" No god no ... I mean nothing against Liam , but ju-just no " I said awkwardly , and my brain did the favor of  pass THE scene over and over again on my mind so I started shutter the last part and shaking but not that much , because the boys didn't notice it .
She just nodded , and called Liam's dad , that's the part that I wanna open the door and run.
" hello guys " his dad said , he was greeting every single one of us , and it was my turn , I was between harry and Niall , but Niall was in a good distance away from me , I guess he got it , and he was coming close , I was shaking really bad Niall notice and Harry too .
Harry hugged me , and Niall put himself in front of me so that Liam's dad would  shake his hand and not touch me , I swear to god that boy is an angel .
But Liam's dad notice and send us a look of confusion, so niall spoke " she's a little shy " he said laughing nervously
He just nodded and went back to talk to Liam
" thank you " I said to Niall " really "
He smiled " you're welcome "
" thanks Nialler you are our saviour " harry said being the drama queen that he is
Niall just laughed with his famous ' Horan laugh '
" so sweethearts do y'all wanna see your rooms ? " his mom said
We nodded
"So we have 3 rooms , 2 of them , they were my daughter's rooms, but they live alone now , and the guest room , so you have to share rooms is that ok ?" I started shaking, and thinking what if harry chose other than me ? Idk like Louis they seemed pretty close to each other .
" omg are you okay honey " she asked me worried
Harry was there saying to breath in and out , until I calm myself now
" yeah I'm better now " I said
" she's just like that I don't know why , she doesn't talk to us about whatever it's haunting her , not even me that I'm her brother " harry said
" oh honey ...." His mom said , looking at me with pity on her eyes , but she hugged me , the boys smiled sweetly at us , and I started sobbing , on her embrace
" wow guys there's really something wrong with her look at her she's sobbing and shaking " she said worried
" I don't know what else to do " harry said worried
" well I'm gonna show your rooms so that she can take a little nap maybe could calm her down a little " Liam's mom said grabbing my hand
" here it's the one of the biggest rooms, who's staying here ?"
" me and my sister " harry said , I sighed in relief
" ok, kiddos , so in the next one , that it's just right in front of the one that harry and ....?" She asked for my name indirectly, I forgot that I didn't say my name just ' Harry's sister '
" Diana" i said
" such a beautiful name , ok harry and Diana are staying " she said continuing what she said before " which pair is staying in here ?"
" me and zayn " Louis said
" ok , so Liam will be on his bedroom obviously and Niall right ?" He nodded " is staying on the guest room, is that ok?"
" yeah " the boys said
" ok , go unpack or take a nap I don't know , I'm gonna make dinner " she said leaving
I went to the room that I and harry will share , and laid down on the bed
" Diana , do you want to tell what's going on , like you literally, drowned Liam's mom on your tears , and you were shaking you looked like a pinsher or a chihuahua " harry said
I looked at him , and raised my eyebrow
" oh harry , I wish I could but I don't want to" I said
" did you just said phoebe's line on the tv show ' friends' ? " he asked " yeah , why ? , it's my favourite tv show "
" yeah mine too " hazz said
" ok now being serious what happened?" He said with a serious tone
" nothing , just nerves " i lied
He just looked at me suspicious, but then left me alone , and I took a nap .

Harry woke me up , to eat dinner
" kiddossss dinner is ready " Liam's parents yelled for the second time
We went downstairs but , me and Liam's mom were the only girls there and the rest it's boys , I'm so fucked up , I hate so much Tyler for make me feel like this , if he didn't did what he did , I could live my life normally without being afraid of the male figure. Everyone sat down but i was in the same place frozen.
" Diana cmon" my brother called me , but I can't move a muscle I was completely terrified I would be like millimeters away from a boy that isn't my brother. I was starting hyperventilating
"Diana honey ? Cmon eat " she said
Then my brother came and grabbed my hand and dragged me through the room to my sit .
I was sitting between harry and Liam, while in front of me was Niall then in front of harry was Louis and in front of Liam was zayn , then on the top of the table we're Liam's parents.
I took a deep breath , Ok maybe two or three or more
While that ,Liam's mom was serving the food to everyone , but I couldn't stop thinking of that scene and me being around boys , I tried to drink some water to calm myself down, but I was shaking , so the water inside of the cup was shaking as well everyone obviously noticed, I hate attention, so I felt extremely judged, I hate it
" Holy fuck she's shaking really bad " Liam's dad was the first one to speak
Louis and zayn looked at each other terrified
" e-excuse me I'm not hungry, c-can i-i-i go upstairs please ?" I asked nervously
" sure honey " she said
I ran upstairs like the flash and went to sleep, maybe if I sleep I can forget all .

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