Chapter 69

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💜Diana's pov💜
I've been in my moms house for more than a month do I miss the boys? yeah I do but I think if I come back I would have a fucking mental breakdown for seeing his face but sooner or later I will have to confront him but not now it's not the moment I was In my little world in my little nation my imagination , when my phone bleeped and I unlocked it to see who it was but it was a unknown number ,and it messaged me so I went to open the text and it was another photo with the same girl with the same necklace with Niall again and it says 'see how it hurts when someone took someone you love from you ' and I was getting insane because I didn't know who it was but I guess I was right when I wrote that song that I said "are you sleeping baby by yourself or are you giving it to someone else" I guess I have my answer he moved on with a fucking blonde girl that are getting on my nerves and I want to know who that bitch is so like a good direction or that I am, like in the Fandom used to call us agents of the FBI I did my researches but I couldn't find anything just the stupid necklace that was confusing me a lot ....

so I started to think and think and think and think again to see where did I saw that stupid necklace and the necklace it's in every photo that she sent me so I have to remember where because that was a familiar necklace I knew that I recognise it in the first that I see But I didn't give it attention so I was searching and looking around my room in my moms house because it still have my college photos and my friends photos and all that old stuff there so I opened my wardrobe and took off a box , like those memory boxes That every girl has with Photos with friends and tickets of shows and bracelets of concerts and all that stuff you know so I started to look into the photos and I saw a lot of me and Ivy ewww and a lot with my brother that I will bring with me when and if I come back to my brother and The boys house .

I was looking at the photos one by one and I saw one of me and my friends at school and my class and I  was looking at one that caught my Eye because of that stupid necklace I knew it ,I look closer and it was a photo that we were at one of the parties That one of my friends that moved on for the states and then we lost contact she used to throw this parties at weekends and I used to go with my Classmates and my best friend at the time it used to be on the beach ,

In the photo was me next to me was Ivy And next to her was Tyler and then some of our classmates and then I was between ivy and this girl that was one of my friends at the time that used to throw this parties that her name was Victoria , And guess where the necklace that I saw belongs to ? no one than Ivy now all make sense blonde skinny and with a stupid necklace all makes sense now, Now I remember that .... that necklace was Tyler that gave to her when they did 2 years of dating , it was a leaf with her name plus his name like: ivy+ Tyler , but in the photo the necklace was turned upside down like in an angle that you can't see the names so that's why I didn't recognise it at first she was ....she was smart but not as much as me so I guess I caught her oops....

then I received another text of her saying that she will take my man and then I finally replied saying 'I know that it's you ivy nice try with the photoshop' but she didn't replied because I guess she was caught , and I was almost calling for the boys , specially for Niall to apologise but I heard some kind of weird noise so I left my phone in the bathroom near to the vanity and went to see what it was and I saw the living room window open and I was getting scared so I closed it and went to my room but I guess I arrived a little bit late because there she was standing in front of me I ran to the bathroom trying to get my phone to get help but she was faster she followed me to the bathroom

She has a gun that I remember that when I was kidnap Tyler used to had it on his waistband and she was pointing it to my head I shouldn't show her that I was afraid but I was literally closer to the death but I don't know who but it was my saviour because my phone started to ring uncontrollably
" are you going to get it  bitch or what ? " ivy said " it's annoying me "
I've picked it up and it was Nialler, she was looking at me with a 'go on' look
" Hello " I said crying
" Di? Omg are you ok ?"
" no , help me please " I whispered it so that ivy couldn't listen she was about 2/3 meters away from me
" what's wrong" he asked
I looked at her and smirked because something that I developed when I was kidnap was my audition so I heard my mum's car parking , ivy looked at me confused but I started to hear my moms opening the door and entering it ,so I finally spoke up louder so that she can hear me" ivy ,she's here with a gun "

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