Chapter 17

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💜Diana's pov 💜
Im feeling like I'm falling , it's so suffocating, I just wanna scream but I can't , it's like I'm stuck , it's like , I'm tied down , I don't know where I am , I don't know the time , it's like I'm lost , I just hear voices .

💚Harry's pov 💚
It's been another week, and she didn't wake up yet, I'm starting getting worried like it's basically been a month .

" harry, last week I was singing to her and came a couple of random words to my mind , and I kind of wrote a song about her with those lines  "Niall said turning his head to face me
" oh ... so that's why you need the permission to use my sister as an inspiration... I see...."
"it's not finished yet, so do you wanna help ? " he asked
" yeah of course, let me see "
I said grabbing a paper sheet of his hands
" I like it " I said " but I think you should change this , because we have fans all over the world " I said changing the lyrics
" yeah thanks , I think we could sing like , 'Diana let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life ' " Niall said
" yeah I love it , she will love it " I said "we should show them ..."
he nodded, and wrote more lyrics to that song .

The guys came over here, in the visiting time , and we showed them the song
" well Niall came with the ideia , he started wrote it I just helped him with some lines , but he wrote it " I said
" damn , it's really good, she will love it " Liam said
" Niall , can I asked ya something?" Louis asked
" yeah go ahead "
" do you like her ? Because like , singing to her , write her a song ...... you blush when we talk about her .... like ..... do you ? " Louis asked
" I- I- just , I " Niall tried to say
He doesn't wanna say it , because he know that louis will haunt him forever , making jokes about his little crush on my sister, I remembered that ,he said it to me , and not to tell anyone .
" it's ok niall you can say it " I told him
" yes " Niall said blushing and looking down
"Awww our Nialler has a crush " Louis said
I knew it that he would did it , Niall was right
" Louis , let the boy alone " I heard zayn saying
" yeah just look at him he looked like a tomato " I said
" wait ... what ?! It's your sister that we're talking about... why aren't you mad , or overprotecting her idk " Louis asked confused
I just smirked
" wait ... you knew it ?" Liam asked
" of course I knew it already, he went to talk to me first, so...." I said like it was obvious
They just looked at me like I was crazy or something
" and you accept it ?" Louis asked shocked
" yeah .... but I already told him if he break my sister's heart I will break his face " I said
They laughed

I looked at my sister, and she was breathing really fast I saw her abdomen going up and down really fast , you know like almost hyperventilating, like , if she was having a nightmare, I called a doctor, i saw Niall already in panic
" calm down Niall , breathe" I said
He nodded
The doctor then injected some medicines to calm her down.
💜Diana's pov 💜
It was dark and all of the sudden Tyler appeared and started to come closer , touching me and then I saw ivy behind him smirking, why ? , then I let the panic take control of me , he was trying to take my clothes off , but then I started to hear voices , I think they were angels 'cause they saved me .
I felt my system relaxing.... I was still in the darkness but , this time , there's no Tyler , and no ivy , like no one .

🧡Niall's pov 🧡
She relaxed, when, the medicines took control of her system , I sit on the chair beside her , stroking her cheek, and whispering sweet words to her calm down , I hope she hear it .
" Niall , did anyone told the paps that my sister tried to end her life ?! " Harry asked angry
" I don't know , like it wasn't me , I didn't exit the room yet " I said worried
" because the news it's all over the internet, I'm so done , like how ?" He said desperately
" I don't know did the boys say anything? , the management, ...... Simon ?" I asked
" I already asked the boys , and they said that they didn't say anything , now I have to ask the management" harry said

He went outside to call them , while I stay here with her
" Di ? Do you hear me ?" I asked her grabbing her hand
She squeezed my hand saying yes , oh thank god ....
" I need you to wake up , I wanna hear your voice , i came alive when I hear it , I miss your laugh.... " I said starting to feel my tear rolling down my cheeks , I look at her and saw her tears rolling down her cheeks as well .

Then harry entered the room pissed off
" what's wrong?" I asked
" it was him , it was fucking him , oh how i wish that I could kill him right now " he said angry
" who ?"
" Simon "  he said clenching his fists " he said that had to do a fucking video, explaining why we had to cancel the tour "
" oh no " I said covering my mouth
" he could ... idk lie , saying that one of us was sick idk , but tell them that my sister tried to kill herself .... he passed the limits "
" did you watch the video? " I asked
" no but I wanna see what he said , about my sister "
He opened his phone and went to the social media where the video was
He pressed play and Simon started to talk
" I came here in the name of one direction to , tell y'all, some sad news , that affected us all .... one direction had to cancel the tour ,  for a really sad and desperate reason . " he said " the reason affected one of the members the most , directly , to be more specific, Harry styles "
" bastard , I hate him " harry said
" for all they said to me Harry's sister isn't in a good situation, right now , she tried to knock on the heavens door , but she couldn't.... so I just ask y'all to understand the situation and please don't be mad at them , just keep your tickets, because those will be used to the tour that they will do when all this situation get better , thank you , and see you soon "
" SON OF A BITCH " Harry said pissed off
" now the hate will come 3 times worse , the paps will annoy us and my sister , they will throw questions about this , I just don't know , she doesn't even woke up and already has the press all over her shoulders "
" yeah that's true , and now ?"
" idk Niall , I hope that they don't discover  , which hospital she's in "
I nodded in response

" what is this ?!" Louis entered the room , with the boys behind and the girls, it's visiting time , showing an articles about Diana trying to kill herself
Harry took a deep breath " Simon "
" What ?! He's such a son of a bitch " Lottie said
" I know right , now she have the weight of the media on her shoulders and she didn't even woke up " Harry said
" yeah I hope she wakes up soon I miss her " I said looking down

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