Chapter 1 - Don't talk to strangers

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The ground was cold. Small drops of rain fell from the sky as a distant rumble could be heard. The dampness of his hair and clothes made him shiver. At least that's what he told himself as the tremor worsen with every sob he tried to contain.

He could still hear their laughter and bickering as they walked further into the park. When the only sound the young boy could hear was the pitter patter of the rain surrounding him he knew it was safe to get up.

Taking a shaky breath he managed to get himself up on all fours. He winced as a sharp sting emerged from his right knee.

Looking down the greenette noticed his uniform having a big hole in it where his leg was bleeding.

"Damn," he mumbled. He could already see the stern look he would get if his teacher found out.

Sitting back with his knees slightly pulled towards himself he stared down at his hands. Angry red bruises decorated his palms, along with a few scratch marks.
With another small sniffle the boy's eyes glassed over making everything blurry. It just felt so unfair. As if everything in his life was against him. It wasn't even his fault he was born quirkless.

He quickly shoved those thoughts aside before aggressively rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. The green haired boy then proceeded with pulling out a few pices of gravel that had got stuck in the small wound on his knee.

Although the ground underneath him felt cold the rain itself felt almost warm and comforting.
The rumbling had now grown slightly louder making the young boy's eyes turn to the sky above him. He should probably get going.

Slowly he got himself up to his feet feeling slightly light headed. He made a mental note to work on his reflexes as this would likely not be the last time he got shoved to the ground by his classmates.

The boy began walking while putting his arms around himself in an attempt to stop shivering, only to immediately stop in his tracks.

His eyes grew wide as he frantically patted himself down.

'Crap, crap, crap, where is it?' He thought while scanning his surroundings for his precious book. As he found nothing he quickly turned and headed down the path he just came from.

'I must have dropped it when I ran from Kacchan,' he thought as he quickened his pace.

He had been working hard on his analyzing skills and had put them to great use while looking at the pro heros around him. He may be quirkless but he just couldn't let go of his dreams, no matter how hard someone tried to prove him wrong, he still held onto that flame of hope. He was going to become a hero, just like All Might!

That's why he completely forgot about his pulsing knee and hurried back to retrieve his notebook. The boy had worked so hard on it and it was almost finished.

'By now it will probably just be a big lump of-'

He slowed himself down until he came to a stop. In this weather the greenette hadn't expected to run into any other people, nor had he seen anyone around the park when entering it. But as he looked to his left where the path split in two he couldn't help but notice a figure sitting on a bench underneath a tree.

The person was wearing a black hoodie and a pair of red shoes, not much different from the ones he wore himself. They had their hood pulled up covering most of their face with only a few bits of blue hair sticking out. Letting his eyes fall down on what the person was holding he immediately recognized the worn down notebook.

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