Chapter 9 - Surrender

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The police had been fast to react once the emergency call had been made, even more so when the caller seemed to be in trouble. But despite their best efforts, they still didn't make it in time.

Once the flashing cars pulled up at the location where the cops and pros had traced the phone call to, they had piled out on the street; ready to take on whoever had caused the disturbance. But as they approached the gaping alley, they were only met with another broken phone and a pile of dust.

Heros and officers searched the whole block, police cars, accompanied by pros drove further out in search of anything related, but, just as the investigators searching the crime scene- they came out empty handed.

They never even noticed the black car speeding off into the night, going far away from the city.

- - -

Midoriya's Pov.

Guilt. So much guilt was stirring up inside Izuku that it felt like a thick blanket had been wrapped around him with the sole purpose of suffocating him. Then there was the undeniable shock, just adding to the metaphorical cover shielding his brain from absorbing any more information.

He almost didn't remember how he ended up in the dark trunk of the moving car, his brain being too busy replaying the spark of hope he'd felt before it literally crumbled before his eyes.

But it wasn't hard to guess how they had gotten away from the cops. Shigaraki had made the boy go through the portal before anyone could spot them, then, as they returned to the bar, he instantly yelled at the two remaining thugs to bind the boy's legs and throw him into the vehicle.

Izuku didn't struggle. The only drop of attention left in his body was directed at the dark wooden floor, where another three piles of dust lay scattered around them.

Another three lives taken by him.

A sharp pain shot through Izuku's head as the car made a quick turn, his body slamming into the side as it sped along. The greenette blinked underneath the damp fabric tied around his head, the blindfold having absorbed enough tears to serve as a round of shots if wrung out.

Several hours had passed since Izuku had tried to escape, but it might as well have been days as the ride never seemed to end. Every time the driver killed the engine Izuku seemed to be moved to a new car, possibly to new people as well as different voices seemed to appear. Though with the fabric covering his puffy eyes there was no real way of being sure.

Another bump in the road made the traumatized kid fly up in the air and land harshly on his aching shoulder, a grunt leaking out of his gritted teeth.

His mind was starting to become clearer, though, as the haze lightened, an uncomfortable numbness was starting to spread alongside the churning in his stomach. The fire in his veins was extinguished by time as it ticked by, only leaving a small itch of what dread he'd felt before.

The ride continued on for probably another hour, the only noteworthy information being that the amounts of bumps and headaches had reduced by a lot. They had even begun to lose speed, something that Izuku's body was grateful for but his mind quite alarmed about.

If they were slowing down, who knew how close they were to their final destination?

Even though he wanted the anxiety filled car ride to be over, there was no telling what would happen to him when he arrived. They seemed to need a body, but for what? Somewhere in his clouded mind, a foggy memory of Tomura's voice talking about a blank canvas appeared.

But why would a quirkless body be of use for them? And when they said body, did that mean an alive or..

As the shock had withdrawn a few spaces back another load of questions swirled back into place once more. He wanted answers, despite knowing he'd regret them later. No one had really hurt him under the time he spent in the basement. But that wouldn't guarantee his safety now would it? If anything, there was a higher probability that he'd be handed off to some psycho who was eager to cut him open with a rusty old-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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