Chapter 6 - Regrets

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Bakugo's pov.

The young blond laid awake that night, glaring at the ceiling with puffy, red eyes, something he'd never admit to having. Katsuki didn't think he would be able to fall asleep, much like the night before when he'd learned about Izuku's disappearance.

Today had been the official 48 hours mark of how long the nerd had been missing. He had also caught the sound of a news reporter providing new information about the possible kidnapping when he'd walked by the living room.

The TV had shown a phantom sketch of a dark hooded figure wearing skinny jeans and a pair red sneakers, not too far from the person Katsuki had actually seen. This however, only angered the kid further.

If they had taken this investigation more seriously then the smarter move wouldn't be to out the culprit's attire, the guy being more than capable to change wardrobes just like any ordinary being. Besides, it's not like they got an actual face to show people, by doing this they'll just have civilians report ordinary strangers who's wearing dark clothing with hoods pulled up.

Bakugo ground his teeth as another wave of guilt swirled in the pits of his stomach, his eyes stinging despite his futile attempt to blink it away. The boy turned to face the wall as he let his mind wander, continuing to go over the recent events.

He remembered how shocked he'd been to see the words 'Missing' written over the shy looking greenette who's photo had been shown on the big screen.

It had taken some time before he snapped out of it, his mom having both yelled and shaken him, but to no avail. Though, as the cops offered to come back later, the blond came back to reality, panik steering his voice as he told them to stay.

After that, the four of them had sat down with a cup of tea, his father not being home at the time.

For the first time in Katsuki's life, he felt anxious, almost sick. It was hard to listen as the police explained the situation the best they could, although, he'd already heard enough from the news.

"We were informed that you were one of the last people to be seen with Izuku Midoriya after school," said the first officer, giving him a kind yet serious expression. "Did the two of you interact at all?"

"Yeah." Came the small reply as the blond swallowed, taking his time before answering.

"And what did you boy's do?"

"We ... Talked."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your relationship with Midoriya?" This time it was the other who stepped in, her voice friendly as she clicked the pen in her hand, looking expectantly at the blond who was weighing his answere.

Katsuki had stayed silent for a moment, his eyes flickering to his mother seated beside him with her brows furrowed, the passing seconds only adding to her concerned expression.

"We grew up in the same neighborhood... " he bit the inside of his lip, contemplating his next words. "I guess some would say that we used to be childhood friends."

"What do you mean? I thought you two still hung out?" The blond's mother jumped in, her sharp eyes impaling him at the spot.

Katsuki shifted under her gaze, taking a breath before speaking up. "No we.. We haven't actually hung out since I found out he's quirkless. To be completely honest I..."

"I haven't been the nicest to him since."

Feeling the rising tention get thicker with his words, the youngest Bakugo had let his eyes drop lower, suddenly finding the wooden floor very interesting.

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