°Perfect Family°

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"For show and tell I brought a picture of my dad and my god mom Ellen Denegerous.",Jordan, the 6 year old son of Y/N and Justin Bieber said to his kindergarten class.

Little North West raised her hand.

"How come your dad and god mom are white, but your tan?", she asked dressed in some odd all black feathers ensemble.

Blu Ivy rolled her eyes and North.

"Your dads black and your mom is like white or something. Same with Jordan.", she said with full attitude.

"I didn't ask you Blu Ivy!", North said.

"Girls! That's enough. Good job Jordan, have a seat.", the teacher said.

Soon after it was play time. The kids went off to different stations. Jordan was playing with the blocks beside his good friend King, Tyga's son.

"Hey Jordan. Can I play with you?", Blu Ivy asked.

"Yea sure. Here build a hospital, the construction workers got in a bad accident because the joker planted a bomb at their job.", Jordan said handing Blu some blocks.

Blu gladly accepted the blocks and began working on her hospital.

It finally reached the end of the day. And all the students were going home.

"Daddy!",  Jordan yelled running up to his dad.

Jordan stroked his dads beard and and kissed his nose.

"How was school buddy?", Justin asked strapping his son into the backseat.

"Well North was being a poopy pants today. And I played with a girl.",  Jordan blushed.

"A girl!? What's her name? What does she look like!?", Justin asked.

"She looks like mommy, but her hair is browner. And she smells good. And I really like her! We're going to get married!", Jordan screamed in excitement.

Justin chuckled at his son and pulled into their driveway. He helped Jordan out of the car and they raced into the house.

"I won daddy!", Jordan said.

"Hey, hey, hey! No running in my house!", a pregnant Y/N  wobbled into the living room.

"Sorry momma.",  Jordan smiled kissing his mommy's tummy.

"Hey Jo-Jo! I'm getting married to a girl at school!", he said while lifting Y/N's shirt up.

His parents smiled at him as he ran upstairs.

"A girl!?", Y/N questioned wrapping her arms around Justin's neck.

He held the sides of her stomach before kissing her lips.

"She's black apparently. Guess it's in the genes!", he smiled, "how was my princess today?"

Justin placed tiny kisses on Y/N's growing belly.

"She's been beating me up all day. And I've been peeing everywhere.", Y/N frowned.

Justin laughed as he felt Josie move around.

"Don't get her started again Justin.", Y/N stated.

Justin placed one last kiss on Y/N's  stomach before walking into the kitchen.

"Where the food at tho!?", Justin  yelled.

Y/N rolled her eyes at her husband then managed to get upstairs and into Jordan's room.

"What you doing bubbas!?", Y/N  asked leaning against the door way rubbing her stomach.

"I'm drawing a picture for my wife. Look it's a flower!", Jordan smiled holding up his paper.

Justin Bieber Interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now