°You're Late°

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something incomplete I found in my piling drafts...so it's not finished and it doesn't have a clear beginning but I don't have a connection with it anymore ~Alissa

He then turned me around and we started making out. He grabbed my thighs instantly making me wrap my legs around his waist. He snaked my arms around his neck, I clasped my hands together as Justin pinned me against the wall. I broke away from our little session because of the constant knock on the door. Justin groaned as Scooters head peeped into our room.

"You're late. AGAIN. I'll make sure to set a rule for the both of you.", he sternly said.

"We didn't even do anything!", Justin yelled.

"LET'S GO!", he yelled back.

Justin slowly let me go and I stood on my feet.

"See what you did.", I mumbled to him.

He smiled and grabbed his book bag. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door.

Everybody was leaving their rooms and heading to the bus. Justin has a meet & greet today. I left him and got on the bus sitting beside Jazzy.

"Morning baby girl!", I smiled tickling her.

She giggled and fought my hands away from her. She stopped laughing and squinted at my neck.

"What's that?", she asked.

I took my phone out and clicked on the camera, I saw a nasty dark purple oval on my neck. Gross! Justin left a huge ugly hickey on me. I gaged in disgust. Just as Justin walked on the bus, I walked up to him and punched him in the arm.

"What the flip!", he yelled; careful not to curse in front of his younger sibilings.

"Look what you did!", I said showing him what he did.

He bit his lip seductively, and winked pulling me close to him. I pushed him back and continued to walk away, I felt a slap on my butt. I flipped him off behind my back and sat back with Jazzy.

"It's just when you get a boyfriend..."

"Which you won't.", Justin added sitting on my lap.

"When they love you soooooo much, they kiss you and since they have cooties it goes to your neck and you get it." I lied to her.

Justin brust out laughing and I looked at Jazzy's confused face. I tried to hide my laughter but it slipped out.

"You'll understand when your older okay, I pinky promise!", I giggled lifting my pinky to hers.

She grabbed my pinky and we shook then kissed our fingers. Jazzy got up and ran to Alfredo.

"You are something else you know that!",Justin laughed.

I bit his ear and continued to laugh too.


Justin P.O.V.

I pulled the cap from my sharpie as I fan walked up. I smiled at her and winked. She blushed hard and covered her face.

"May I have a hug?", she asked.

I agreed and stood up wrapping my arms around her waist. She hugged me back and I took a picture with her.

"Bye babe!", I smiled watching her walk away.

I licked my lips. Her body was nice though. I gathered my thoughts and smiled at the next fan. She was totally fan girling which I couldn't help but laugh at. We took a picture and it was on to the next. After the meet & greet we all decided to go skating. It's gonna be extremely fun because Y/N can not skate at ALL, I'll be more than happy to assist her *wink wink*

Y/N P.O.V.

I starred in amazement at how the bus pulled up to the Skating Rink. I looked over at Justin who was smirking at me.

"I love you so much!", he teased.

I playfully rolled my eyes as the bus bolted to a stop.

"Y/N, can you teach me how to skate!?", Jaxon asked walking up to me.

His big brother bursts with laughter, I ignored him and grabbed Jaxon's little hands.

"I'm sorry baby boy, but I don't know how. But how about we teach each other!?", I smiled.

He gave me one of those Bieber smiles and nodded his head yes, shaking his little white blonde spirals. I winked at him as he walked back to his dad.

We all got off the bus and into the rink. Justin slipped his hand into mine as I balanced Jaxon on my hip. We purchased our skates.

"Ugh Y/N hurry up! ", Justin whined as I tied Jazz's skates.

I made sure to double knot it and stood her up then she zoomed off. Justin pulled my hand making wobble to the actual rink.

"Wait, I need to get Jaxon.", I tried to stall.

"He's fine, c'mon!", Justin laughed stepping onto the rink.

Ugh, if I bust my butt, I'm killing him. I allowed him to guide me through all the skating people. He had his hand on my hip and mine on top. Then we held hands with our free hands. We skated in harmony to the slow mix. Then out of no where Justin started going really fast. I was screaming.

"Justin! Stop, oh my gosh!", I screamed holding on to him for dear life.

so yea tada

Justin Bieber Interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now