Meeting with the Principal (Chapter 9)

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It has been two days so far since the caribou incident nothing major happened aside from Izuku this time giving them a tour around the city but they had to drove a car since they were quite trending in Japan like who wouldn't just now Japan had four rear Admirals among them and because of that and the display of power in that incident the crime rate decreased by a lot and the public were quite pleased including the hero comission who had been trying to deal with the rise of the league of villains aside from that Izuku and the others have finally managed to get comfortable in there new home and found it a lot better than in the marine base since they are free to do what they want.

On the other hand in another area in Musutafu there is a small family who are searching everywhere for there long lost son but they came empty handed it was All Might and Psychic they were overjoyed with his return but the fact that Izuku is a rear Admiral came as a shock for them even All Might was taken a back he knew from experience what will happen if he get on there bad side which he remember the time when he was invited to there main base for a mission but he stupidly interfered in there job when he foolishly tried to stop the elimination of a criminal who escaped and now he received the beatings of his lifetime and it was worst when it was the admiral Garp himself and he was kicked out and was banned from ever setting foot in any marine base and he headed the warning since he never managed to recover from the beatings.

Izuku woke like he usually does in the morning he found Robin awake and was preparing herself as today they will be paying a visit to Principal Nezu of UA High for the mission, he yawned before he rubbed his eyes slightly trying to remove the dizziness before he stood up and started walking towards the bathroom not before giving Robin her morning kiss after they wore there dress along with there Rear Admiral Coat they headed towards there biggest challenge and that is waking up two grumpy brothers that would be Ace and Luffy, Izuku decided to take the risk and wake up Luffy gently but he was sleeping as rock so Izuku decided to do something his grandfather loves to do and that is the "Fist of Love" Coating his hand in Armaments he bonked slightly hard in his head as Luffy stood up and shouted in pain as he rubbed his forehead as he looked at his brother Izuku. 

Luffy: Hey, can't you wake me up a little nicely!

Izuku: Sorry little brother but you know as well as I do that you and ace don't wake up like any normal human besides If I didn't do that you would have punched me in your sleep just like last time when you and Ace almost burned me. 

Luffy laughed sheepishly as we heard a little scream which was muffled to look and see Robin pinning Ace to the bed with her devil fruit and suffocating him to make him wake up as Ace was wide eye and his body was lit in fire before she released him as he started panting for air.

Ace: You Crazy women are you trying to kill me? I haven't been able to become a dad yet!

Izuku (whistle): wow, didn't know you wanted to become a dad but first you need to be responsible to become one. 

Ace: I am responsible you just don't see it. 

Izuku: Well anyways you should prepare to meet Principal Nezu about the mission. 

Ace: Oh! Yeah that's right we will have to meet with the sewer rat!

All four of them busted in laugher before they wiped there tears as Izuku and Robin left both boys to get cleaned up so they can eat there breakfast which was pancakes, Luffy and Ace favorite breakfast as they rushed and ate everything in the plate and wanted even more luckily Izuku and Robin had made backup as they had knew this will happen after they were done and had brushed there teeth they walked out to the car as Izuku sat on the driver seat and Robin sat next to him. Ace and Luffy was never allowed to drive at all since they tend to get crazy when driving as Izuku started the car as they drove immediately to the school that nurture heroes UA High. 

Ace: Hey Izuku you know that there is a high chance they would be involved. 

The car was silent afterward as they waited for Izuku answer as they looked at the rear view mirror to see his reaction but surprisingly Izuku grinned. 

Izuku: We will cross the bridge when we are there but hey at least I have you three with me so I have nothing to worry about since I know you all have my back. 

Robin: Of course we have your back no matter what!

Luffy: Just like she said big brother!

Izuku: Thanks you three now we should be here. 

They then parked near the entrance of UA as they walked out of it only to be greeted by Principal Nezu and Aizawa who held a shock expression they didn't think that the rumors were true that Izuku was back and not only that he was the Rear Admiral basically outranking him and every hero out there including All Might himself and the government can't do jack shit to him after they composed themselves from there initial shock they decided to act professional. 

Principal Nezu: Rear Admirals how about you come to my office were we will discuss the matter even further. 

Robin: That would be appreciated Principal!

Izuku and robin along with his brothers walked behind Aizawa who had Principal Nezu sitting on his shoulder they walked through the corridors of the school which was bustling with students who when they saw the guests and the cape they straighten up as they stood far away from them as to not get in the way of there work finding themselves at the wooden two door office, Aizawa opened it as Nezu jumped from his shoulder and took a seat in his leather chair ushering for the four of them to get comfortable in the sofa as they did with Izuku and Robin being next to each other and Luffy and Ace sat next to each other. 

Principal Nezu: I was told by Admiral Garp that he will be sending four Rear Admirals to Japan but I am shocked that you are all the same age as my students. 

Ace: We were trained by gramps from a young age we were even going to be promoted to rear admiral at the age of 14 but they saw us to young to assume our position but here we are now we are all Rear Admirals and we are only 17 years old.

Nezu (Nod): Then I will get to business, I am sure you were informed of what the missions entails I assume. 

Izuku: Yes we are Admiral Garp have made sure to give us a briefing of the mission and what to expect.

Nezu: Good! then here is the deal I would like you to become students in my school for the moment. 

Izuku: We decline!

Aizawa: Why that!

Izuku: We were trained and educated to the highest degree in the Marine HQ so we are pretty much knowledgeable and even if it was for the sake of blending in, our identity was already revealed the day when I had to take down Caribou an escaped convict aside from that none of us sees ourselves having the time to sit in desks to listen to lectures about how to become a hero because frankly none of us want to be heroes we are marines or to be specific we are Rear Admirals. 

Nezu: That is fair I suppose so what do you suggest?

Robin: I suggest that we become staff here at UA that will also allow us to have more reason to not only be limited to a certain class year and be able to protect the students.

Luffy: Not to mention despite having this long time mission we also have some reports that we need to file like Izuku had to file a report about the Caribou incident and send it to the admirals so we don't have stable schedule like you all do that's why becoming staff will allow us to protect the students to top it all off our personal work won't be affected. 

Nezu (Sigh): That is acceptable since I don't have any arguments against it, we will be informing the other staff members about this as well and will be given ID's to be able to access entry to the school. 

Izuku: Good, is there anything that would need to be brought to our attention. 

Nezu gulped slightly along with Aizawa they wanted to talk Izuku as his uncles but they don't want to make a bad move but luck wasn't on there side as the door was opened revealing All Might and Psychic.

Inko (Tears): Izuku!

Izuku: Fuck!

Izuku was now faced against his past what will he do will get angry or will he kick them out calmly or will he forgive them.

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