The Very first week

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The Boyfriend woke up and got ready for the day. Or week. It was a busy week for him actually. Why? Well I'll tell you. You see, the Boyfriend likes his Girlfriend but her father doesn't want him dating her and also wants to kill him. But the father had promised him the right to date his daughter if he can beat him in a rap battle. The father just so happens to be an ex 80s rock star so he knew it all when it even came to lyrics. He was also known as Daddy Dearest as well. Don't make that kinky. Just don't!

 The Boyfriend was determined to show him that he can prove that he can be trusted with his daughter so he accepted that challenge. It was his dream to become a famous rapper so beating Daddy Dearest shouldn't be a problem. Besides, if he can beat him, it could take him one step further to fame. He got his mic and went to go meet his girlfriend at the theatre (or wherever week 1 took place). He saw his girlfriend, sitting on a set of speakers and waving to him. She looked stunning as usual, wearing her usual red dress and matching heels. He just couldn't wait to show her a good time. And not in a sexual way neither. Keep this PG okay?

The Boyfriend walked up to the Girlfriend and climbed on stage. 

"Hey, Boyfriend!" the Girlfriend said, holding her arm out for the boyfriend to kiss. 

"Hello, Girlfriend. You look beautiful." he said, taking her arm and kissing it, earning a giggle from her. "So your dad thinks he can beat me in this rap battle huh?"

"Yep. He can be a bit of a pain sometimes.." She sighed. 

"Yeah. But I'll beat him. I wanna show him how much you mean to me. I just hope I don't screw this up.." He said, starting to have doubts.

"Hey. If you win, you can kiss me and hold me for as long as you want." She smiled. "Would that make you feel determined?"

"It sure will! Alright! I'll beat that old man and treat you like a queen! Just you wait!" 

The Boyfriend smiled at his Girlfriend as a tall figure with purple skin, red eyes and a black rock outfit that exposed his dark grey chest hair. That figure belonged to Daddy Dearest.

"So, this is your boyfriend huh?" said that figure.

"Oh dad! Yeah! This is my boyfriend!" The Girlfriend smiled. 

Daddy Dearest looked the Boyfriend up and down, with a small frown on his face.

"He looks like a wimpy kid if you ask me. Don't waste your time with him." He scoffed.

"Hey! I'm not a kid! I'm 19! Same age as her! I may be small but I can be tough!" Boyfriend glared at Daddy Dearest.

"We'll see about that, kid. Beat me in our little rap battle and maybe you can date my daughter.."

"Alright! Bring it on! Your ass is going to be grass!"

"We'll see!"

*Cue Dadbattle* 

After the Boyfriend won, Daddy Dearest admitted defeat. 

"You know what? You're not bad kid. Maybe you can be with my daughter. I'll trust her safety with you for now..but this won't be the last you see of me.."

"Heh. I bet you'll want another rap battle. And I'll beat you at that!"

"Don't make me challenge you again! Now you kids go home. Kid, make sure my daughter gets home safely. If anything happens to her, you're dead!"

"Relax, old man. She'll be fine."

"I'll be okay, dad. See you later." The Girlfriend smiled at her father as she got down from the speakers and packed them up before grabbing boyfriend's hand and the wagon that she brought the speakers in and started walking outside.

On the way home, they stopped at a park so Girlfriend and Boyfriend could kiss and cuddle by the fountain. They held each other for a while as they talked about Daddy Dearest losing.

"That look on your dad's face when he lost. That was hilarious. Don't you think?" The Boyfriend laughed.

"I know right?" The Girlfriend giggled. "At least you beat him. I was worried that we wouldn't be able to see each other again."

"Yeah I had a few slip ups but I pulled through right? Plus I showed him how much you're worth to me. This is the kind of thing I'd definitely do for you're love."

"Aww." Girlfriend blushed and giggled. 

"Anyways c'mon. Let's get you home before your dad hunts me down again."

When they got back to the Girlfriend's house the Boyfriend dropped her off at her doorstep.

"Thanks for walking me home, Boyfriend. We should go out again sometime."

"Yeah. Anywhere you want to go, I promise to take you there. A considerate boyfriend would go to places his girl wants to go and not stay out too long."

"Indeed. Well. See you later." the Girlfriend said, giving her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. 

"See you, girlfriend." Boyfriend blushed lightly and smiled at her before turning around and walking back to his house, thinking of Girlfriend every step of the way.

The Boyfriend knew he still had weeks to go before he could prove how much his girlfriend meant to him to her family. When he got home, he practiced his rap for the next person to challenge him to a rap battle, practicing all day and all night while also planning on some things to do with his girlfriend. He even planned on taking her out to dinner with him paying for everything. Because that's how nice and generous of a boyfriend he wanted to be.

And when he becomes famous, his girlfriend will be spoilt rotten and he will give her everything she could ever dream of...

When that day comes, the Boyfriend will be able to relax and settle in with his girlfriend while discussing future plans together later on..

It will be the best day of his life...

((So here's the first chapter done. It's a little rushed I have to admit but I think it came out okay. Hope you guys liked it. I'm gonna be careful with the next few chapters. I don't want to rush it so much. Plus it's a huge habit of mine. And another habit is writing my fanfics and finishing so quick that I sometimes publish chapters every day or week. So yeah this is the basic idea of how this fanfiction will go and I think you know the next encounter. 

Peace out, lovelies! ✌💛))

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