Chapter 4

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"'It is a long way off, sir.'
'From what Jane?'
'From England and from Thornfield. And—'
'From you, sir.'"

—Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

"Why are we in the woods?" Hope asks, stepping over a fallen long carefully. She had assumed that the movie night would be in an actual dorm room or something.

"The party's at the mill," MG says, and Hope nods behind him even though he won't see it. It's slightly chilly, but neither of them feel it in their hoodies.

"Does Alaric know the twins are doing this?" she asks a little while later, stepping over a large tree trunk.

"Of course not," MG laughs, and Hope allows herself to chuckle softly. They walk in silence for a couple more minutes.

"So, how are you going to tell Josie?" MG asks, out of nowhere, when they've just made it in front of the mill.

"Tell her what?" Hope asks, eager to play dumb.

"That you're her soulmate," MG says like it's obvious—and it is—his voice so above the whisper it's supposed to be that the tribrid sends a scathing glare his way. He pouts.

"Simple. I'm not," she replies, looking around and seeing only darkness. She feels like she's being pranked; there's literally no one around.

"You should do it tonight!" MG says excitedly, like he's just had the best idea ever. "Beg her not to go! It'll be so romantic!"



MG runs his hands along the front of the barn, seems to find a handle and pulls, and then suddenly Hope's vision is flooded with the light from a projector. She wonders why she couldn't see it before.

"One of the witches placed an illusion spell so we wouldn't get in trouble," MG explains without Hope asking, and she nods, her eyes finally adjusting to the harsh brightness.

Inside, there are a couple of couches set up, a third of which are already taken. There's some snacks on a table in the corner, which are being raided rather quickly. There's another table dedicated for just alcohol, which Hope knows she's going to visit sometime before the evening ends.

About a dozen people are in the room, which makes Hope somewhat uncomfortable. She definitely thought there'd be more. She feels like she doesn't belong here, and she already wants to leave.

It's the night before the full moon, and Hope hasn't really felt it until now. Her ears are more receptive to her surroundings, her eyes calculating and aware. A prickling sensation is just underneath her skin, a weird tightness set between her shoulder blades.

She looks around for Josie without realizing, but she doesn't find her anywhere. Lizzie is surrounded by at least four other witches, and Hope and MG quickly find that they're the only werewolf and vampire—respectively—here.

Mean Girls is playing from the projector, but only a couple of people are actually watching it. Hope continues to wonder why Josie is nowhere to be found.

"Hi," a voice giggles lowly in her ear, causing Hope to turn around sharply.

Josie appears in front of her, almost out of thin air, and Hope can't figure out how she had never sensed her in the first place.

"Hey," Hope responds, trying to sound casual, but the word comes out almost strangled. She backs up slightly, mouth running dry at the pretty sight of Josie Saltzman before her. The other girl only leans forward more, and then Hope realizes she's drunk.

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