Chapter II

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March 23, 1430...

"My lord," a man said, walking into the command tent that Arthur stood inside. "Andrew," Arthur greeted his friend who smiled. "I have news from Burgundy," he said after they hugged. "Are my uncles alright?" "Yes, and it was Thomas who brought us the good news. The Maid has been captured."

Arthur tried not to blanch. "Joan d' Arc has been captured?" He questioned and Andrew nodded. "I know it must be hard for you since you are cousins," his friend murmured and Arthur looked at the rolls of paper and books that were scattered on the table. "My cousin, but also my greatest enemy when it comes to this war," Arthur admitted, making Andrew chuckle. "Indeed, I don't think anyone has been able to outsmart you in a long time."

"Well the only other person who could outsmart me is on the other side of the Channel," said Arthur as he attempted to organize his desk. Andrew picked up a scroll and flipped it over before arching an eyebrow. "Roman battle tactics?" He questioned and Arthur snatched it from his hands. "Yes," he grumbled and Andrew held up his hands.

"Don't get so defensive about it. As long as we are able to keep France, I won't judge you."

Arthur chuckled as he swept aside some paper before he looked up at Andrew. "It's a wonder how we even became friends," he muttered, making the older boy in front of him laugh. "Your mother forced us into the same room after you pushed me into a fountain and I threw you into a pile of horse dung," Andrew said with a chuckle. "You were such a sore loser back then."

"Shut up, Trollope," grumbled Arthur, flushing at his childish actions from the past. "Ah, but without her, we wouldn't be working together," said Andrew with a sigh as Arthur made his way around the table and placed a hand on the sixteen-year-old's shoulder. "You are the best commander I could have ever asked for, you know that right?"

"Of course, when have I ever let you down?" They shared a smile before Andrew ruffled Arthur's hair, making the younger boy make a noise of protest. "Stop it, I'm not ten years old," protested Arthur and Andrew rolled his eyes. "You're fourteen. You know, it's a wonder that our king let you leave his side," Andrew said as they walked out of the tent.

"It took a little convincing, but I trust my uncle," Arthur said before turning to Andrew. "I think I'd like to pay Joan a visit. Can you lead our men while I'm away?"

"Why do I always have to do everything?" Andrew questioned and Arthur smirked. "Because you always seem to volunteer," he shot back and his friend smiled as they walked out of the tent. "I will write to Anne, I think she'll like to meet our cousin."

Andrew arched an eyebrow at Arthur's statement. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" "What do you mean?" Arthur asked and his friend pursed his lips. "She's a little...wild."

"Exactly. They'll be perfect for each other," Arthur reasoned and Andrew shook his head. "You have strange ways, FitzRoy," he said and Arthur shrugged before turning his gaze to Caen. "First, we need to take the city back from Joan's grasp."

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?"

"The sewers."

"They'd smell you from a mile away," Andrew pointed out and Arthur shrugged. "I just need to get to the gates so you can attack, but you'll also be the distraction. I need you to fire at the walls with the cannons, take their attention away from the city," Arthur said and Andrew whipped around to face him. "Are you insane! I might accidentally kill you!" He roared and Arthur winced.

"Relax, I'll be fine."

"Absolutely not! I will not allow you to-" "Andrew, calm down. I will be doing this and you can argue, but I am the general here, not you. My word is final," snapped Arthur and Andrew stiffened. "I understand, Your Grace," he said in a cold voice before stomping off.

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