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(TW: Thr*w up)

"Oh, okay, so we'll stay there for at least... Four hours, from eight to twelve"


"Aren't you at least a bit excited? Your not smiling"

"..." Tanaka just ignored him and avoided eye contact, he was too embarrassed and because he didn't want Kazuichi to find out that he likes him...

-after school bc lazyness >:3 -

Kazuichi walked out the building with Sonia next to him, of course, they were going to the cafe.

- - - -

"Miss Sonia, me and that weirdo were planning on going to the bar, do you wanna join?" Kazuichi asked, looking down at his phone as he drank the coffee he got.

"... No, I'm sure my parents would get angered if I did such a thing" She chuckled.

"... Oh... Yeah, that's fine" He murmured.

Kazuichi pulled his phone out and suddenly...

He put it back down...

"U-Uhm..." He just started laughing, "Miss Sonia, I'll pay for the things we got, so don't worry" He smiled, digging through his wallet...

... The only thing he had in there was the one hundred bill...



"Kazuichi? Is everything alright? I can pay for it if you like..."

"No! No! It's fine!" He continued to laugh as if everything were okay...

He grabbed the one hundred bill and placed it on the counter.

"...dads gonna kill me..."

He got his leftover money, that was 87 dollars in total now...

"Bye Miss Sonia! Have a good day!" He shouted.

"Mhm! You as well!"

Kazuichi ran out the cafe shop and made his way to his own house, "dammit, I need more money..."

As he finally got to his house, he stopped at the door... He knew what was waiting for him if he didn't bring all of the money....


He unlocked the door and stepped inside...


He heard a women's laughter...?

Kazuichi suddenly realised that he'd been holding his breath and immediately exhaled... His dad got a new girlfriend...

"H-Hey dad..." He murmured, a forced smile appear in on his face..

"Oh, hey kiddo, how ya doing today?"

"...good I guess..."

Kazuichi placed the money in his dads jacket that was hanging on the jacket holder at the entrance, "I got what you wanted! I'm going n-"

"Wait, Kazuichi, there's someone I want you to meet"


"Coming..." He slowly crept into the living room, only to see a black haired woman who was sitting on the couch...

And... The living room was... Clean?

"... Hi..." He chuckled nervously, taking a step in front of the lady and pulling his hand out, "... Kazuichi, uhm.. My name is Kazuichi!"

Everything Im Insecure About (SouDam)Where stories live. Discover now