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It took a while to get everything set up, but they're finally ready.

Bruce has to operate all of the equipment with a pencil since his fingers are too big.

" Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one. Scott, fire up... the van thing."

Scott opens up the doors to the ugly, brown van where the quantum tunnel activates.

He adjusts his sleeve and nervously fiddles with his fingers.

" Breakers are set. Emergency generators are on standby," Steve says as he makes his way over to Big Green.

" Eh, it's alright. We have the big guns right here," Bruce says as he gives Lauren a 'gentle' pat on the back.

She stares up at him as her eyes flash gold, making him slap himself in the face.

" Cool it on the strength, got it," He says, then takes a giant side step away from her, " We're good! Get your helmet on. Scott, I'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Make sense?"

" Perfectly non-confusing," Scott responds.

" Good luck, Scott. You got this," Steve says.

" You're right, I do, Captain America," Scott says while making dreamy eyes at Steve.

Scott disappears into the tunnel, and then Bruce counts down and brings him back... minus 40 years or so.

" Uh... guys? This doesn't feel right"

" What is this? What's going on?" Steve asks.

" Who is that? Natasha asks, "Is that Scott?"

" Hold on," Bruce says.

" Yes, it's Scott," Young Scott says.

" Dude, I don't think your balls have even dropped yet," Lauren says.

Young Scott disappears into the tunnel and out comes Scott... adding 40 years or so.

" Oh, my back!"

" What's going on, Bruce?"

" What is this?"

" A little space, here?" Bruce asks.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you bring him back?" Steve asks.

Bruce nervously pushes buttons with his pencil and insists that he's working on it. He slams his equipment, out goes Scott and in comes... not what they were hoping for.

" It's a baby," Steve says.

" It's Scott," Bruce says.

" As a baby!", Both Steve and Lauren say.

" He'll grow!"

" Bring Scott back," Steve says.

" Hey, Grey, do you think you can..." Bruce says as he makes his fingers wiggle.

Steve, Bruce and Nat all look at her. Their gaze makes her feel nervous. Being put on the spot isn't helping. She wants to help, but then remembers what her therapist told her-- why am I doing this?

" Nat, when I say kill the power, kill the power," Bruce says.

Laurens breathing starts to pick up, but everyone is worried and focusing on Scott so they don't notice. Nat and Bruce work together to get Scott back at the appropriate age.

" Somebody peed my pants... but I don't know if it was baby me or old me... or me-me," Scott says, completely out of breath.

" Time travel!" Bruce exclaims as he throws his hands up, " I see this as an absolute win."

Steve shakes his head and puts his hands on his hips like a disappointed dad.  He walks over to his wife and tries to hug her.

" I need some air," Lauren says.

She walks out of the room and physically opens every door. She finds a bench outside and sits down. She pinches her left pinkie as she tries to focus on her mantra.

I am not alone.

She starts asking herself the question.

Why am I doing this?

She has no answer. None whatsoever.

The sound of an engine brings her back to reality. She sees a shiny, new sports car drive down the road.


Lauren stands up and starts to walk towards where the concrete meets the asphalt. Tony stops too far away at first, then reverses till he's aligned with her.

" He turned into a baby, didn't he?" Tony asks.

" And almost as old as my husband," Lauren says, " What are you doing here?"

" It's the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you actually pushed time through Lang. It's tricky, dangerous. Someone could have warned you against it."

" You did."

" I did? Well, who would've thought. Regardless, I fixed it."

He lifts up his hand and shows her a device wrapped around his palm.

" A fully functioning time-space GPS"

" Sounds an awful lot like me," Lauren says, " I-I mean... I think."

" Which brings me to my next question... Are you sure you can't... do this? I don't know exactly what the bald Kim Jong-Un told you but... it seems like you could beat this fair and square."

His words hit close to home. This isn't a new topic for her. It's something that's been on her mind for a while.

" I-I think so... but I don't know what... I just don't know. I don't know how I would tap into it or control it or-or expand it so it could work on everyone and... I can't put all of you at risk."

Tony nods. He out of all people understand.

" Hey... Tony. Didn't expect to see you here," Steve says as he walks out and stands next to his wife.

" I just want peace," Tony says as he holds up two fingers for a peace sign, " You know, we got a real shot on getting those stones, but I got to tell you my priorities. Bring back what we lost, I hope, yes. Keep what I have... absolutely. And, maybe not die trying. Would be nice."

" Sounds like a deal," Steve says.

The two shakes hands. You don't need to have Lauren's powers to feel the tension between them. Instead of hugging, Tony walks over to his car and opens the trunk. He grabs the shield that Steve lost all those years ago and presents it to him.

" He made it for you, " Tony says before Steve can get a word it, " Plus, honestly, I have to get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding."

Steve slides it onto his arm, and it fits like a glove.

" Thank you, Tony."

" You gotta keep that quiet, I didn't bring one for the whole team. We are getting a whole team, aren't we?"

" It's a work in progress," Lauren says.

Tony walks inside and instantly gets greeted by Big Green and Natasha. Meanwhile, Steve and Lauren are still outside. She walks over to her husband, grabs each side of his face and brings her lips down to hers. Her heels make it so she doesn't have to get on her tippey toes. Their lips lock until they're both satisfied.

" What was that for?" Steve asks.

" I forgot how hot you look with that shield."

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