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From New York to New Jersey. From Manhattan to Westview.

A town that doesn't exist according to the nearby locals.

As Lauren nears the town, she sees a base camp, one similar to the very organization she used to work for.

A S.W.O.R.D. base, right outside of Westview, New Jersey. Right outside of a static bubble.

Lauren pulls her car off the main road to avoid the base. She drives alongside the border, then parks. She steps out of the car, and feels a large wave of energy flow through her body. As she approaches the border, a shiver runs down her spine. The energy from the spell is strong, but she is stronger.

Lauren approaches the static border and eyes it intently. Her eyes roam up and down, side to side.

One way in, one way out.

Warily, she brings her hand up to the border. Once she makes contact, she gasps as she's thrown into another trance. This one even more powerful than the last.

She's back into Wanda's mind. She feels everything Wanda feels. She sees everything Wanda sees. Wanda sits on the couch as Vision sits beside her. As Vision speaks, Wanda's nerves spike. Lauren feels her fear and can almost hear the dramatic strings from the encounter.

" I think something's wrong here, Wanda."

Within seconds of Vision speaking, everything shifts. Reality changes. Vision gets rewound a few seconds, and Lauren gets pushed out of the trance. This time, without Wanda even realizing.

Lauren pulls back and shakes her head. She takes a deep breath and mentally prepares, for she knows what it's like to have Wanda Maximoff mess with your mind.

She steps through the boundary, and steps into an entirely different reality. She leaves Westview, and enters Westview. She feels as though her body is on fire, her mind beginning to fall into a trance as reality tries to rewrite her. She blocks out the mind altering and breaks free of Wanda's manipulation.

Once on the other side, she sees Wanda's good work. As if she used a time machine, Wanda turned the town into a 70's paradise. Lauren sees a couple on a tandem bike, frozen in place. She tilts her head, but her eyes gaze upon their clothes, then look back down at hers.

With a simple wave of her hand, Lauren gives herself a more fitting outfit for the fake reality she is now trespassing upon.

With a simple wave of her hand, Lauren gives herself a more fitting outfit for the fake reality she is now trespassing upon

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Happy with her look, Lauren begins her walk through the town.

However, once she passes the couple on the bike, they unfreeze. They gasp awake, as if from a nightmare. They look at each other, then look at Lauren with pleading eyes.

" You... you're an Avenger," One of the women say, " Help us... my wife and I can't take this anymore."

As Lauren tries to process the new found information, the woman comes up to her and grabs her hands. With the contact, Lauren can feel every ounce of pain Wanda has been pouring into this place since it's creation. She refrains from crying out and keeps her composure. Lauren looks the woman in the eyes in an attempt to soothe her.

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