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Her mind and body grow numb and oblivious to her surroundings as the tears fall down her pale cheeks. She pays no mind to the battle raging on behind her.

She pays no mind to Stephen inhabiting the body of a corpse in order to stop Wanda.

She pays no mind to America nearly dying.

She pays no mind to Wanda nearly getting banished to hell, but rather instead getting exactly what she wants.

America takes Wanda to the universe she wants so desperately to be part of, but by doing so, shows Wanda exactly what she's become.

A monster.

The Scarlet Witch and Mage are simply two extremely powerful, and yet extremely heartbroken women, who just wanted to be happy.

That's what this has all been about. Happiness.

It's not fair that it's been taken from them both.

It's not fair that Wanda was taken from her parents at such a young age, and it's not fair that Lauren never knew hers.

It's not fair that Lauren was forced to be a weapon from childhood, and it's not fair that Wanda was manipulated into becoming one.

It's not fair that they both found love, and had it taken from them before their time.

It's just not fair.

How could it be that this is how it's supposed to go?

Why would the universe want them to suffer?

Want them to be in pain?

Why isn't there happiness in the cards?

Why is it that whoever is in charge of all of time made is so they could never be happy for long?

Why would He want them to suffer?

Why them?

Lauren's mind is incapable of conjuring anything as simple as a single thought in her state of complete and utter devastation. Her entire world has collapsed, and not for the first time. Her heart as been broken over and over that the pieces are becoming all too small to put back together.

And she's tired.

She's tired of fighting.

She's tired of trying.

For she seems to always lose.

What's the point of going on if you're not meant to win?

All this pain and all this suffering is just too much.

It's not worth it.

Not anymore.

When she was younger, when she was more naive, it might have been.

Her stubbornness would have never let her give up.

But she has tried.


and again,

and again.

And it has never gone her way.

Not since the passing of the one she loves.

Every single attempt at happiness has failed.

So much so, that it led her down a path of darkness.

Down the very path she and her sisters tried so hard to stray from.

She became a bad guy.

She killed for her own self interest.

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