Chapter 17

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Yeonjun POV

Once we got to the plane mom and Tita were being held hostage buy three men with guns. I internally freaked out watching the terror seep out of mom. Tita looked pretty relaxed and she should with all the training Buby has done with her. I witnessed that first hand. (Y/N) on the other hand... I had never seen her so mad. Something snapped in her today. She tore the skirt of her dress and disconnected from the world. 

She went over to mom that was closer to us and took the mans gun by putting him in an arm bar and flipping him over disarming him and taking the gun apart. She didn't stop there. The other two tried to attack her but she counteracted everything they did. The one that was next to Tita bear hugged her from the back. She kicked the other one causing him to fall and flipped over the guy behind her by bending forward and holding his arms that were wrapped around her. Once she disarmed him she went to the last guy. He threw a punch but she dodged it and punched his stomach. That didn't Phase him so she roundhouse kicked him in the head causing him to drop the gun. She looked back at us with this emotionless gaze and took the fabric from her dress. BADASS wasn't even the right word at this moment. I looked over at Buby watching her with the proudest smile. 

Once she had all three men tied up with the fabric from her dress and made sure they could not escape. She picked up the guns and threw them out the door. My jaw dropped and I was speechless. We were in a private jet with very little room and she managed to do all that. 

"YES THATS MY GIRL!!" Buby yelled clapping. 

"Your training came in handy" Tita hugged her and that's when she came back to earth. 

"I know I am not suppose to use it, but after losing Lucas right after we had reunited and possibly in the process of losing you two I lost it." She limped over to a seat and sat down wincing. She had hurt her ankle running from the situation at the party. 

"Let me get ice for that after we get up in the air." I walked over to our bags and took out comfortable clothes for both of us to change into. Pulling the curtain closed I turned all my attention to (Y/N). I still had no idea what to say so I just helped her out of the dress and helped put her shirt and leggings on. 

"Thank you" she said quietly. 

"No problem babe, but I know its not the right time to say this but... I am so turned on from what I just witnessed you do." I pulled the white button up shirt off my body causing her to giggle.

"No don't say that." She said in between giggles. 

"What I am not Lying that was so hot. I am still flustered."  We both bust out laughing which was my goal in the first place. 

"Thank you but hopefully you never have to see me like that again. Hot or not I hate hurting people. I also hate falling into the emotionless monster I become every time I do that. It scares everyone else plus myself." I pulled her into my body reclining the seat back so we could try to sleep a little. 

"Don't worry baby just rest okay." I kissed the top of her head and hummed a song she loves until she fell asleep. 

I didn't fall asleep for a couple more hours just watching her and thinking about Lucas confessing and kissing her before running into danger and dying. It really troubled me but the only way to stop overthinking about it was to talk to her about it when she woke up. 

"Hey you should get some sleep baby." Mom was walking back to her seat from the bathroom and stopped to check on us. 

"I will soon" she kissed the top of my head pushing back my hair. 

"I don't know if I have told you but I am so proud of you. Everything you are doing is for a good cause and I am so proud of you. Moments like this are scary and I tried to shield you for as long as I could. I am sorry it didn't work well and you had to suffer for so long, But I am proud of the man you have become and are still becoming." I smiled at her taking her hand in mine. She also suffered under my dad but did everything she could for me. 

"I love you mom" I kissed the top of her hand. 

"I love you to my precious baby." She got up and walked back to her seat and pulling the blanket over her body to go back to sleep. 

I looked down at (Y/N) one more time before closing my eyes and sleeping the rest of the trip. 

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