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Patton's POV

I started making dinner when I see Virgil just sitting there, watching me. When I see him there I throw a peace of chimkin. (yes I just said that so sue me)

Virgil's POV

I see Patton cooking dinner and I walk up to him and watch him. After a few minutes he notices and throws me a peace of chimkin. Then I ran off on all fours. Logan noticed this and said, "why are you walking like that?"

"Well if I don't you'll hurt me." I say.

"Virgil, we'd never hurt you. You need to realize this. You can walk up right." He said.

"Oh I can?" He nodded and I stood up. A couple minutes later I hear Patton yell, "guys dinner time!!" I slowly go into the kitchen and see how much or if I even get to eat. I start to beg because that's how I have a higher chance of getting food. "Kiddo, what are you doing?" Patton asked.

"Seeing if I get food tonight." I answer. "I'm taking it as a no."

"Kiddo you can eat at the table with us, we were never stopping you"

"I CAN!?!!?" I asked, surprised yet happy.

"Yeah of course you can." Roman said. As I went to sit at the table. Their better then I thought they would be.

IDK what to put here. Please give me ideas and while reading this if you have any triggers and I should put a warning let me know and I'm sry in advance.

are you gonna hurt me?- a neko virgil AUWhere stories live. Discover now