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Roman's POV

When we got home, we started to introduce ourselves. "Well I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm Roman. I am gay and dating these two." I say as I kiss Patton and Logan.

Then Lo spoke up. "I'm logan, and I love books. I am also very gay." (So gay he can't think straight)

Then Patton, "I'm Patton, I love animals and children, and I'm also very gay."

Then virgil spoke up, "so are you guys" I blinked back in surprise.

"If that's what makes you feel better you can call us that but we won't treat you like that. At least we won't treat you like your old master.  What was he like anyways?" I asked.

“He would.....abuse me...... mentally, physically, and sexually.” he said. I can't believe that bitch would hurt a cutie like him. Me and Patton ran up and have him a hug which made him jump.

Oh God this please I want to know it's the music I'm picking good? Any suggestions? Let me know in the comments I'm lonely af

are you gonna hurt me?- a neko virgil AUWhere stories live. Discover now