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Snow's POV

I started to pet the neko. He was so freaking cute. I then realized he looked kinda scared. I stopped petting him and he ran and hid behind Roman. "Are you ok Virgil?" He asked. He shook his head no. Roman handed him to Patton and he took him to another room. I wonder what's wrong. After a few minutes, Patton came back out with him.

Virgil's POV

After she stopped petting me, I ran to Roman. He asked me if I was ok and I shook my head no. He then took me to Patton and we went to another room. "What's wrong?" He asked. I replied with, "I don't know her and she just started petting me and I had no idea what was going on and I was scared and I......I.... I was scared." He pulled me into a hug and started to calm me down. After a while I walked out and started to talk to Snow. We started to get along and then she said that she had a partner, an adopted kid, and a neko. That made me wanna meet them all so she said that next time she came, which would be soonish, she would bring them.

Ayyy look another chapter please tell me it's good

are you gonna hurt me?- a neko virgil AUWhere stories live. Discover now