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Virgil's POV

I started to cuddle into romans hug. It was warm and calming. That is, until a loud sound came from his pocket. I jumped back in surprise. It was like a ringing noise. He pulled this rectangle out of his pocket and started to talk to it. Is he ok? Is he going insane? I then asked Patton what it was and he replied with, "that's a phone kiddo, people use it to talk to other people when they are away" I heard Roman talk about me, then put the "phone" in his pocket. "Why did I hear you talk about me?" I asked. He replied with, "oh it was one of our friends and she asked how we were doing and we told her we just adopted a neko. Why?" I told him I was just curious. Then he said that the friend will be coming over in a few minutes. "Lemme guess it's Snow?" Patton said. Roman nodded. Almost on cue, there was a knock at the door and I hid behind Logan, the closet because Roman went to get the door. "Hey Ro how's it going?" The person at the door, Snow, said. The rest I couldn't hear but then two people came walking in. "Where's the neko?" She asked. Logan basically pried me away from him and she ran up to me. She started petting me and I got very uncomfortable because I don't know her.

Hello hope you enjoyed this chapter it's bad bc it was 5 am while I was writing it and I haven't slept since 8 yesterday

are you gonna hurt me?- a neko virgil AUWhere stories live. Discover now