Chapter 16

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We returned to see the blankets set out to form a huge blanket, and the weapons near by like Max had asked. The food supply was near Midnight on the opposite side of the cavern.

"Where have you all been?" Syria ran up to us, her face almost as red as her hair which was whipping around in the ponytail she had it drawn back in on the top of her head.

"We were, um, busy," Max answered her.

Syria just rolled her eyes and sighed at us, turning around and marching back towards the group.

"What was that all about?" I chuckled.

Max shrugged. "No idea. Let's go find out."

"-has to be perfect or it's no use. It won't work if even a little thing is wrong," we heard Aidan say as we approached.

"What has to be perfect?" Max asked them, still clasping my hand and shoving his other hand in his pocket.

They all turned around and their expressions matched Syria's. What was wrong with them?

"Um, did we miss something?" I asked.

"Yes you did. You missed setting up. It was harder than it looks thank you very much," Maddison huffed.

I looked to Max in confusion but he just shrugged and began to speak. "Look, we were gone for like five minutes I had to talk to Sam alone-"

"That could have waited. Max-you could have given away our location by going out!" Thomas exclaimed, sounding irritated.

Max just laughed a little. "Is this what this whole getting upset thing is about? Look guys, no one was out there. Promise. And if there was, I'll let you shoot me or give me up for a captive." He just smiled and continued. "Now, as I was saying, I just went to ask Sam an important question that's all..." he trailed off, holding up our hands so everyone could see.

Their expressions turned quickly from anger to surprise.

"So, it's official?!" Maddison yelped. She jumped up from her seat and hugged me, making me let go of Max's hand. "Oh, Sam that's wonderful!"

"Why? I mean a lot of people date it's not a big deal."

"It is here!" Maddison said. "Not many people get in relationships here. It's either they die too quickly, or just too hung up on their past life. Like if they had a spouse or something. So yes it's a very big deal." She turned to both us and smiled. "I'm so happy for you guys!" Maddison bounced back to be beside Thomas.

"Well," Aidan started. "That's really exciting but we really must come up with a well thought out plan." He seemed angry still. Was he not happy for Max and I like everyone else was?

I looked around to see if it was just Aidan but it wasn't just him-Lily didn't seem all that glad either. Oh well, we were all alive and together, not everyone can be happy at once.

"Yeah, but we can do that in the morning. We want to have a whole day to plan. Plus, if we do it too soon they'll still be expecting us. Take it slow," Max explained to Aidan.

Aidan just nodded and sat down on the blanket beside Thomas.

"Question," Joshua said, turning to Max and I.

"Yeah?" Max asked.

"Don't you guys think you're going a little fast with this whole relationship thing? I mean, I'm not trying to pry or anything, but I just thought relationships take more time..." he trailed off then muttered under his breath barely audible, "even though I've never really had one."

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