Chapter 9

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The next day, I decided to go back to my cabin to collect some books, my laptop, and all of the clothes I could carry in my arms. As I was walked down the path to the Northeast Beach, I heard a twig snap behind me. I was terrified, so I turned around as fast as I could and got into a fighting stance, ready to fight off whatever was behind me.

"Sam, stop! Don't hit me!" Max put down the bow he was carrying and put up his hands as if he was surrendering to me.

"Max what the heck are you doing?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I said as I straightened back up to a normal standing stance.

"I was searching for food, silly. It's my job..."

"Oh," I said. "That's right. Sorry, I just thought you were...following me."

"Well, actually I was. But I was actually hunting. Until I saw you and decided to see where you were going."

I crossed my arms and sighed at him.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" Max asked, with worry in his question.

"I-I just want to know why you snuck in my room with a rose last night and then hurt yourself just to save me a maybe scratch on my finger. And I also want to know the real reason you were following me." I was actually wondering that. Why would he go through so much trouble just to give me one rose? Did he like me? Gosh I wish I understood boys more...

"Because that rose is one the most beautiful things on this island just like-" He cut himself off, sighed, then continued. "Just like the sunset. And I wanted you to see it. And it's not a normal rose as you may suspect. It's a Peela Rose. The thorns on those hurt the worst to touch. But I'm used to them that's why I did it...sorry I forgot to mention all of that last night. And I was following you to make sure you were safe. The Night Crawlers still like to lurk around and snatch up girls that travel by themselves," Max finished his answer with a smile on his face.

"It's okay," I replied. "And thanks again for doing that. No one has given me anything before besides my parents. And also for keeping me safe. I don't really wanna become a meal," I laughed.

"Oh you're welcome. Anytime. So, what are you doing out here anyways?"

"I'm heading to my room on the beach to grab some things to take back to Mom's house."

"I can help if you like. I mean, I haven't seen anything to kill all day. And I could use a break," Max said with a slight laugh in his voice.

"Okay, come on."

We finally reached the beach to find my room from the boat was still intact. As we stepped onto the sand, it scorched the bottom of our feet, so we sprinted to the door and burst through.

"What do you need to grab, Sam?"

"I need my laptop, some books, and lots of clothes."

Max set down his bow and arrows and grabbed my laptop and most of my books, piling them up until the pile was up to his chin. "Is...this...enough?" He breathed.

"Yeah, that's plenty! Thanks."

"No problem, but could you carry my bow? I can't really carry it if I'm carrying all of this ya know," Max remarked, gesturing to the pile in his hands.

"Yeah sure, lemme just grab these clothes really quick...oh and this hair brush..." I picked up 7 complete outfits and was picking up the bow and arrows on the ground where Max had lied them when I noticed something red on the window.

" that, blood?!"

He waddled over to the window, careful not to drop any book off the pile and squinted at the window art. "Well, it's most definently not paint..." The symbol was a half moon and a beetle inside of a circle.

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