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Tony tells the avengers about the save. Fury hears about it and recruits you into being an avenger, your dad tries to tell you no, but was ignored, as much as you respected him, you've always wanted to be an avenger.

Sitting on your bed reflecting on the day you had,  then trying to meditate, but all that is going on in your head is that raven haired male, with his lovely eyes, smile and chuckles. You couldn't meditate "it's only a little feeling, it'll go away soon" you breath in slowly and breath out the same way. Then feeling eyes on you. "For the last time, I'm staying on the avengers team dad," instead of it being Strange it was someone you didn't expect.

"And why would he not want you on the team?" you open your eyes. you look around the room and spot that same raven haired male. "How the f-" he shushes you "I'm not actually here.. Uhh, here throw something at me" you grab a pillow, throwing it towards him, seeing it didn't hit him, instead it went right through him.

"How what!?" you get up and walk to him, poking through him, "amazing" is the only word that you say. "Yes it is quite amazing, but you are a midgardian who can do mystical arts." you look up at him "i guess it's cool" you cross your arms in a prideful manner.

He chuckles, "anyway, may you please leave I don't think my dad would want me talking to you" his brow arches "well, is he really your father?" your eyes widen "im sorry? Yes he is, now please leave." you try and woosh him away, but to no avail, he didn't go away.

"What i'm saying is, you don't look alike" you could see his smirk creeping on his face, but you won't let him get what he wants. "Even so, i am his son and i am proud to be, unlike you"

Going back to sitting you tried to meditate, "well, you sure do act like him" you smile. "May you please leave now?" he nods, "I shall see you tomorrow" he slowly fades away. You lay down and look at the ceiling, "I have to get myself together" is what you say to yourself, before falling asleep.

(Next morning)

You wake up earlier than usual, wondering why, you get up and get dressed. Peaking into the hallway, you start heading to the kitchen and see your dad making breakfast "Oh, you're up early, any reason?" you think about it, what really woke you up early.

"to be honest, i don't know either." he puts on his thinking face "oh well, breakfast is ready. Eat up" he sets the plate down. "I'll be in the library, if you need me, go ahead and call me" he starts messing up your hair "hey" you both laugh.
Even if you both aren't related, at least you had a awesome guardian. Who cares about your well being.

(after breakfast)

You walk to the park and sit down upon the monkey bars on the playground enjoying the view of the sunrise "hello again, angel." you ignore him. "Um.. was it something i said?" you roll your eyes and say to yourself,

'will he ever shut up, no, don't give into temptation.' You hear him climbing the monkey bars and sitting next to you. "I will not be ignored!" you reply "and i will not be disturbed"

You could feel his glare. He inhales "alright, i see you want to do this the hard way" you roll your eyes once again. "I see you are an attention seeker, from how you are an adopted little brat." He now is angered. "When we are alone I will make sure you are hurt dearly" you look at him getting closer to his face, "we are alone, do something, I dare you" he stays frozen in place.

Then says, "oh you dare me? Careful I am a trickster" you smile, "oh please, try me" You know he wouldn't stay mad at you, and you knew he was playing around trying to intimidate you.

But you know better than to just let someone push you around. You were tougher than that. You see the time then swing off the monkey bars "ok, I have to go to school, see you around" you pause and look at him "darling" you could see the blush forming on his face.

(After school)

You, Peter, MJ and Ned were all talking about what to do for the weekend, but you all still couldn't think of what. "OH! How about-" you stop Ned "no legos, we did that last week" he frowns, you and the others chuckle. "Library?" You nod your head in agreement with MJ but Peter and Ned shook their head. "Aww come on" you and MJ say. Soon you all just call it a day and head to your own homes.

You go to the Avengers tower since you knew you were probably going to work on your own mini project, Tony gave you and Peter your personal lab since he adores the both of you.

You get a call from Nat "hello?" She replies fast and rather quickly "getoutofthebuilding!" You slow her down "what?" She yells again but slower "get out of the building! Loki has been planning something behind our backs!"

You get up from hiding you and Peters gadgets. Then peters suit. You and Stark have been making little stuff for Peter since he's a little angel to Tony and can't defend himself.

Trying to gather all you need, you take a step back, but instead of feeling nothing, you feel a hard but soft chest. You look behind and see that it's the god of mischief himself once again.

Have a good day, night and/ or afternoon

The Power Stone Holder (Loki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now