15. Mysterious Incounters

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After walking outside I saw a beautiful city one briming with lights and sound and the sky looked like beautiful as well showing a dark sky with all those stars. I didn't know what to say it all just took my breath away. Realising that my mouth was gapping open I shut it fast and look behind me the dogs were wagging there tails again and this time they both had grins and walked up to me.

Chole: "How do you like the city lights pretty nice right"

I responded

"Ya it is nice to see the city without being chased around"

After saying that and seeing that I was starting to have a shiver. Dave ran up to me and gave me a hug saying

Dave: "It's ok everything is going to be ok your safe"

That made me relax a bit enough to where I was able to walk the city again so I asked the two dogs a question

"Where are you two wanting to take me too? "

With there tails wagging they replied to my question

Dave&Chole: "You will have to follow us and see for yourself"

They said in a cheery tone to me. Which makes me want to follow them with glee. So I did we started to walk into the city. We were taking left and right and I was making sure that no one knew who I was. After a good mile walk we stop in front of a place that looked like a restaurant I stopped and wondered why they led me here so I asked

"Why are we here in a public place to eat where everyone can see? "

They responded

Dave&Chole: "You will see soon! "

I thought

Oh no what is going to happen here I hope everything goes ok

After that thought I followed them into there it was a restaurant but it looked empty till I saw them walk to a soda machine in the back and press a button  three times then the machine opened into a fancy restaurant the whole place was empty so I asked them one simple question

"Why is this place empty? "

They both said with a gleeful smile on there faces

Dave&Chole: "We bought this place out for you!"

Chole: "We've known you have been through a lot so we wanted to do something nice for you! "

Dave: "So we thought why not rent out a place so that you can feel comfortable for once with no fear! "

With this gesture of kindness I was moved to tears and felt that I owed them some kind of gratitude now so I did the only thing I knew they would enjoy I moved in and.

Narrator - Alan gave both Dave & Chole a kiss on the cheek

After that there tails were wagging nonstop then we sat down and ate no questions asked and when we were finished we walked out of the restaurant and into the street again with the two dogs tails wagging frantically they were walking so far ahead of me that I tried to run and catch up but someone grabbed me from behind and dragged me into an ally way and spoke to me in a tone that sounded deep and brutting.

???: "You better not come here again I know your species and I don't take kindly to your kind so never come back.

I was ready to run until I heard that he knew my species but before I could ask them a question they just dissapeared behind me and I heard running down the street with what sounded like two pairs of feet I walked out of the allyway and the two dogs (Dave&Chole) saw me and grabbed me by my arms and ran me home to ask some questions.

Dave&Chole: " ARE YOU OK ? "

I said with a fake smile to there faces

"I'm fine, honestly"

But they knew I was lieing so the made me awnsers truthfully

Dave&Chole: "We want to know your ok so please tell us what happened."

"Ok someone grabbed me from behind and told me they knew about my species"

Dave&Chole: "WHAT?!? "

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