Will you be my girlfriend?

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I was leaning on my car as I waited for Peter to get out of school. I scrolled through my phone where people were asking questions about Peter all over Instagram. I heard the obnoxious bell ring and students flooded out of the building. I looked up as a kid came up to me gawking at me.

Kid:" Are you Mia Stark?"

I pushed my hair pack behind my ears and pulled my ray banz up on my head.

Me:" Um yeah?"

Kid:" I'm Flash and I have totally had my eyes on you."

I laughed but looked past him to see Peter.

Me:" Oh yeah?"

Flash:" Yeah I was wondering if you wanted to go a date sometime?"

Peter had stepped forward to me and I put my hand in his and smiled as I looked into his eyes.

Me:" I'm sorry I'm spoken for."

Flash:" Wait Penis Parker is your boyfriend?"

I bit my bottom lip and looked at Peter.

Peter:" We really haven't put a label on it, but yeah kind of."

I giggled a bit and walked around the car to my driver's side door. I saw Ned and waved at him.

Me:" Hey Ned if I would of known I would have brought the SUV. Do you mind?"

Ned:" No Mia you're fine."

Flash looked bewildered now and looked at me.

Me:" Oh and if you could cut it out with the nickname? I wouldn't want to you know kick your ass or anything."

Everyone ushered a burn to Flash and I popped in the car and Peter followed. I started the car and drove towards my home cutting my eyes to Peter partially.

Peter:" You didn't have to do that."

Me:" Peter I really like you and I don't want anyone stopping you from being happy."

He looked at me and seemed to shift in his seat.

Peter:" I was so happy to see you after school though."

I smiled and took a quick glance to meet his stare.

Me:" I was too."

Peter:" Is your dad okay with me coming over? I know he's still a little mad with me."

Me:" No he's not and he's gone anyways. Him and Pepper took a mini vacation to try and work it out."

He nodded and shuffled the backpack in his lap.

Me:" Do you have a lot of homework?"

Peter:" I did it at lunch so I could hang out with you."

I smiled and pulled into the hidden garage.

Me:" Good because all I wanna do is curl under a blanket, watching a movie with the guy I like." 

He smiled and got out of the car after I turned off the car.

Peter:" I wanted to talk to you about that?"

I shut the door and looked at him questioningly.

Me:" About what?"

Peter:" Do you wanna maybe be my girlfriend?"

I skipped a bit and kind of got excited.

Me:" I would really like that."

He came and kissed me. I hadn't been this happy in a long time. I smiled into the kiss and pushed away for some air.

Peter:" Come on let's go inside you're shivering."

I hadn't noticed with my excitement. I intertwined our fingers as we made it to the elevator.

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