Chapter Six: Newfound Friendships?

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"Hey brat," a voice interrupted their train of thought, Chloé turned around to see Felix waiting for her "let's move it!"

"S-Sorry Luka," Chloé blushed, "looks like I have to go, I'll see you later?"

"That's okay," Luka smiled softly, "and yeah I'd like that," he nodded as he watched the blonde as she stepped into the car, well that went well...

"What was that Felix," Chloé snapped once the limousine door closed shut, "couldn't you come at a better time?"

"Oh sorry, did I ruin your romantic moment with your boyfriend?" Felix asked sarcastically

"He's not my boyfriend," Chloé pouted, "what's with you anyways? You're always giving me a hard time."

Felix looked at the blonde brat sitting next to him and pondered why he was acting like such a prick. Was it because she was a brat, was it because he enjoyed getting on her nerves or was there something deeper to it?

Chloé thought back to her conversation with Luka, perhaps he just needs a friend. "Are you lonely or something?" she finally blurted out

Felix blinked as he looked at Chloé in shock, "are you dumb?" he scoffed, sure he could use a friend or two but there was no way he was going to admit it especially to Chloé "what makes you think that?

"Well you have no friends," Chloé pointed out, "unless you count that thing Lie-la... I don't know how anyone could be friends with her, ridiculous utterly ridiculous."

Felix snorted at the blonde's iconic catchphrase, "don't remind me," he muttered as his thoughts went to Lila. "I'd rather not associate myself with that snake." 

Chloé rolled her eyes and sighed, "then why did you kiss her and tarnish Adrikins' reputation?" she huffed; at least the boy wasn't a complete idiot

"I don't know," Felix admitted with a sigh as he twiddled with the ring on his finger. He didn't want to admit to the blonde his deal with Lila to retrieve the other ring.  

Perhaps this douche could really use someone to talk to, Chloé thought to herself, although I wouldn't be the best person, I wonder who would... "By the way what happened to your face?" she finally turned to him and asked, "you look ridiculous utterly ridiculous!"

"I was knocked out," Felix shrugged thinking about how the mysterious Japanese girl caught him off guard, "its all your fault anyways..."

"My fault?" Chloé scoffed, "how in the world is this my fault?" she asked gesturing to the bruise on his face.

"She brought it up," Felix muttered, "said something about you telling her that I was the one pretending to be my cousin." 

Chloé stared back at the boy and frowned before going into deep thought, she could only mean Kagami right?  Come to think of it Kagami and Felix are pretty similar both in style and mannerisms.


"You're kidding me right?" Kagami scowled crossing her arms, "me be friends with him of all people, this isn't like you." She didn't know Chloé well but she wasn't the type to willingly make friends with others

"No, I think the two of you are pretty similar," Chloé replied. The two of them were at the houseboat once again with the rest of their classmates

"What's going on?" Marinette asked as she approached the two, "nice seeing you again Kagami."

"Hey Marinette," Kagami greeted the bluenette with a smile, "Chloé thinks it would be a good idea for me to befriend Felix."

"Felix?" Marinette blinked, "I thought he was with Lila..."

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