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what. the. fuck.


you're kidding.


im not


times table? i wanna know
if we have any classes together


history, science, english,
art, math, theatre.


we have history english and 
theatre together


are you that one girl in the back of history
that always draws in her notebook?


how did you know
also that is very specific mr boo
art thou stalking me?


anything but stalking you, fair maiden
i am simply ✨observant✨


fair enough


but youre not denying you are that girl?


i am confirming it 


you sit right next to me


no fucking way
what are the odds

eating my soggy cheerios, i look back at the clock. it read 7 : 27 and i had about 13 more minutes until i have to get to school.

cheerios are overrated lets just throw them out and run to school

i quickly walk over to the sink and pour out all of my cheerios, setting the bowl aside and walking to the front door where i put on some checkered vans and grab my backpack that already had everything packed in it due to me being lazy on friday and not unpacking it. putting my phone in my pocket, i walk out the door and immediately get met with the bus leaving.

ah shit there goes my ride


no, its gonna rain today.


actually on second thought fuck it lets bring the skateboard


oh fuck we also forgot a mask

sighing, i walk back inside and quickly run over to grab my skateboard and mask, then head back out putting my right foot on the skateboard and pushing off with my left. i quickly turn and weave through the empty streets, gaining speed and taking a turn right to where my school was only 5 blocks away.  

god dammit i think im gonna be late

we shouldve slept last night-

but humiliating sapnap?

it couldve waited.

no it couldn't have-

coming up close to my school, i look around me, hoards of students still trying to get to school before the bell rings. at this point, i dont think my school cares about me so ive stopped caring about it. the only motivation i have? theatre. theatre class has to be my favorite class, solely because it's the only thing im good at. ive always wanted to be an actress, or atleast something similar to it. which is why theatre is the only class i have an A+ in. almost at the front of the school, i flip up my skateboard and catch it with my right hand, picking it up and heading into the building.

in the building, i can already see the principle waiting for me.

oh boy here we go

"adonia, please follow me into my office." she says sternly. i nod slightly and follow her into the office, walking past the ladies at the front and going into her office.

"okay, now i just wanna check in. how is everything going for you, especially at home?"

"it's going good."

"good, good. okay so nothing bad is going on with mom and dad?"

"no, nothing."

"okay okay good. why are you late today?"

"i woke up late and forgot to set an alarm the night before."

"okay.. why that outfit?"

"what do you mean?"

"don't you think it's a bit.. revealing?"

"..it's a crop top?"

"yeah well your shoulders and your stomach are showing."

"thats the point of a crop top? plus its supposed to get up to 96 today."

"well you know how boys get.."

"can't they control themselves?"

"some of them can't."

"then teach them consent, i shouldnt have to make up for boys not knowing how to keep it in their pants."

"language in my office! also, boys are still very.. rambunctious?"

"just teach them consent! i-"

"adonia, out of my office please. we can talk on this later." i manage to hold back the temptation of rolling my eyes and walk out of the office, ignoring the looks the office ladies gave me on the way out. well that was new. i always had problems with the principal for not being there for multiple students and doing nothing about the bullying, and shes been trying to fix our relationship, but it's only gotten worse. there was a certain student that happened to be her son that was always hitting on me, and whenever i told him to back off he'd say "well maybe if you weren't dressed like a hoe i wouldn't be hitting on you." you see my problem, right?

heading to history about 10 minutes late due to the principle, i open the door and everyone immediately turned to stare at me. 

"ah, miss evergreen. 10 minutes late as usual on a monday, please take a seat and get here earlier next monday." mr wallflower says lazily. i can hear a couple students snicker and i glare at them, taking my seat in the back. i look around trying to spot ranboo, knowing he was in this class.

ok, dark blonde almost brunette, a fucking giant.. what about that guy over there?

the one by the window?


hold on, lets make an excuse to get a tissue from there or something.

i get up silently as mr wallflower continues to drone on about the importance of history as i walk over to the window and grab a tissue, discreetly looking at the kid near the window.

theres no way thats not him.

i smile at him and walk back, seeing the principles son already glaring at me. i glare back and watch him look back at the teacher. sitting back down, i can see the person by the window looking at me with wide eyes.

do you think he knows?

probably, im so hot he wouldnt be able to miss me.

then people ask me "hey do you happen to be a leo by any chance?"

does a leo rising count?

i never thought about that..

i smile at him and pull out my phone from my pocket and text ranboo.


no fucking way
what are the odds

- Today at 7:36 AM -


ranboo art thou the person by the window?


are you the person that keeps smiling
at me?


i cant help myself
you just make me smile


you are ever so sweet


i know <3


whos the guy
staring at you rn?


ah thats jared


the one wilbur hates?


honestly anyone would hate
this jared


im curious, why so?


he hits on me 24/7 and 
cat calls me


want me to beat him
up for you


are you sure your lanky
ass can take care of him?


on second thought


LMAO its okay
damn why does
my phone autocorrect
it to that like i aint laughing
that much


phones am i right


you are indeed right

i turn my phone off and look over to ranboo, who is smiling down at his phone and turns it off, putting it in his pocket. he looks over to me and waves. i try not to laugh and wave back, pulling my phone back out.






u look pretty

he looks over to me with wide eyes and i giggle a tiny bit.


as do you

ah, there goes my moment of pride.

wont this be a fun day?

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