Black Lace

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^^ the dress for this chapter

"Don't even think about putting a sweater over this!" Becca ripped the sweater out of my hands and threw it on the bed. I groaned and turned around, " but it's cooold" I whined playfully. 

" oh shut up ya big baby" she grabbed my arm, " we're gonna be late" she stated as we walked out of our door. " where are we even going ?" I asked as she called an uber, you know that new club you told me you didn't want to go to because you dint want any problems tonight?" I looked at her with assault. " ya" I spoke slowly, " well we're not going there tonight were going to Black Lace!" she raised her voice in excitement.

I rolled my eyes," where and what is Black Lace?" I asked as we got into the car. "it's a new club with hot men and sexy ladies for us to mingle with" she giggled. " oh my god never say mingle again it makes me feel like I work at an office job with 3 kids" I lightly shoved her arm.

She rolled her eyes, " oh and I invited my friends from-" I looked out the window. " ok" I cut her off with a soft voice, " look I know you don't connect with them but I just wanted other people there in case we have another incident" she rubbed my shoulder soothingly. 

wake up

 The incident consisted of some random guy calling me a terrorist then a slut and whore. Then he started speaking Spanish and the only thing I could catch was "you're such a Puta I mean honestly go blow something up" so I turned around and broke a beer bottle over his head.

The owner apologized and gave us free drinks for life, so I guess there was a good part of the incident. I smiled at her, " it's ok Bec I understand I'm planning on getting blackout drunk tonight so I was gonna need someone to peel me off the floor" she let out a loud wholehearted laugh. the uber driver looking at us in the mirror with a gentle smile.

We got out of the car and walked up to the doors, Big Red Neon lights flashing with the words "Black Lace". We walked up to the line, " And this would be my least favorite part about clubbing-" we looked at each other as we both huffed out, " the lines".

After 5 minutes of waiting, I decided to check how far we were from the front, as I leaned my head out a was struck with a solid body. I duked my head back into the red rope, " shit sorry" I looked up to be met with deep brown eyes, the man had dark chocolate skin and a smooth face. He had dark cat-eye eyeliner and was sporting it with a black curly beard.

I furrowed my eyebrows, " oh my god I love your eyeliner" I complimented him. A faint smile appeared on his lips, " thank you" his gruff voice said. he paused as looked at the front of the line, " how long have you been wait'n?" his deep Jamaican accent came through. " only like 7 minutes now" Becca looked at her phone.

He shook his head, " that's way too long for two pretty girls to wait". "come with me" he lifted the rope. I slowly ducked under it as Becca followed. we walked up to the bouncer, his dark glasses and mean face faltered. " hey T" he hugged the man, " who are these beautiful ladies?" he looked at us. 

" I'm Becca" she held her head high and stuck a hand out, the man took a stuck his hand out " nice to meet you Becca" he looked at me. " Kova" I stuck my hand out, " nice to meet you Kova" he smirked. Noticing I was a lot shyer than Becca. He glanced at the man called "T". he stepped aside and let us through, earning some huffs and puffs from the girls in the line.

We walked/ pushed our way through the crowd of people, I looked to my side to see " T" was no longer with us. I turned and looked behind us to see if I could find him. " who are you looking for?" Becca grabbed my elbow.

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