"You worthless thing"

647 28 11

 ()They are starting their 6th year by the way()

There is abuse that might be a trigger. I will put a ⁂ when it starts and ends.

>Severus's P.O.V<


The sound of breaking glass startled me awake. I can hear the yells of my father, screaming at the objects around the house. He's obviously drunk. I roll onto my side and glace at my wristwatch. 8:50. I only hope that I can make it to Platform 9 3/4 by 10:00 before he notices me. If he does notice me, well. I grab my bag that contains my robes. My books and supplies are already at school, since I shipped them there last week. When I quietly tip-toe to my small dresser, a small piece of wood gets stuck in my foot. "Ow!" I cry out in pain. As soon as I said that word, that one small word, I clap my hand over my mouth, regretting it immediately. The noises downstairs faltered, followed by heavy thumping sounds. He heard. Tobias Snape always has had incredible hearing. I ran to my bed, diving under it just as he stormed into the room.

"BOY! WHERE ARE YOU HIDING YOU STUPID MAGGOT?" he screamed. My body shaking, tears tracing trails through the layers of dust on my face, this man is terrifying. 

Silence. A small breath escapes my lips. Maybe he left? 


"THERE YOU ARE!" A cold, rough hand dragged me out from under the bed, resulting in many more splinters. He flipped me over onto my back, his unfocused eyes trying hard to focus on me. I took in the heavy stench of alcohol surrounding him, the tattered clothes covering his fat, tall body. He cursed, pulling a switchblade from his pocket. "You thought you could hide." He laughed and started carving words into my chest, saying the words out loud as he cut my flesh.

"Stupid. Fag. Worthless. Pathetic. Ungrateful. Selfish. Ugly. Brat."

He finishes, throws the knife onto the bed and slaps me. "Get out of my house, you worthless thing."

The tears had been falling for the entire torture and they didn't stop as I stumble down the stairs, bag slung over my shoulder, my father behind me brandishing a broken beer bottle. I push the door open with all my strength, which wasn't much. I ran as fast as I could, my father yelling behind me, "DON'T COME BACK." 


When the abuse started, I made small hideouts with bandages, two bottles of water, and a small supply of food. I near one of these forts now. The small structure looks like a doghouse, due to the fact that I was around 11 and I really couldn't build anything. I had used cardboard boxes from the many shipments of alcohol he ordered. Hunching inside, I locate the bandages and water, wincing as the pain catches up to me. I start to clean the words written into me. Some are very shallow, others are deep and bleeding a lot. Every time I pour water on the cuts, a stab of pain slices through me, raw and harsh. I finish applying  the bandages, my chest stinging. 

Deciding to rummage through my bag, just in case I forgot something. Robes, wand, tie, scarf, diary, and my black pants. Might as well get dressed as its, I check my watch, 9:45. Wait, 9:45?! Shit.

Quickly getting changed, I Apparated to Kings Cross Station, appearing outside the mens bathroom. As I ran towards the pillar of stone that led to Platform 9 3/4, I fix my bag on my shoulder, wincing in pain as the strap hits my cuts. I sprint into the cold stone and land in front of the train. 

"ALL ABOARD." The conductor yells as I scramble onto the scarlet machine, the door-boy slamming the door shut behind me. While I scanned the compartments, searching for an empty one, I hear a voice taunt me. 

"Hey look, it's Snivellus!" I know that voice. I would know it anywhere. I turn around to face James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. 

"What do you arses want?"

"Oh, nothing in particular. Looking for your ex-friend?" Black snickers.

I roll my eyes, used to this. "No, I'm looking for my best friend that is still my best friend."

Potter laughs, "Sure and I'm a flobberworm."

"Glad you figured that out." I turn back around to continue my search for Lily when I'm picked up by the collar of my robes.

"You little git." Black growls.

"Let him go, you toads!" I turn to the voice of Lily as she stomps over, pointe shoes in one hand, wand in the other, and bag slung over her shoulder.

"Lily." Potter says, immediately attempting to be charming. I almost laugh at how stupid he sounds, but I can't since Black is still holding onto my robes.

"Shut it James. Do I need to say it again? Let him go." Her face is almost as red as her hair, her eyes shooting daggers at the three of them.

Pettigrew spoke up. "Y-You can't cast-t spells outside H-Hogwarts." 

"Oh I know, but pointe shoes hurt just as bad as a good stinging hex." She grins.

"Fine, we were just having a bit of fun." Potter relents. Black drops me and they head back to their compartment.

"Hey Sev." Lily greets, offering me a hand. "How've you been?"

I smile and accept her hand. "Other than that, great. You?"

Her face falls as we begin to walk to the compartment she saved. "Petunia called me, you know, that name again." 

Anger floods me. Lily is a transgender female. She came out to me when we were 9, than later told her parents. They support her, but Petunia still calls her by her dead name, Lucas, and mis-genders her. I can't wait until we can use magic outside of school. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about her, she's just jealous that she will never be even half the girl you are." I'm not usually good at motivational stuff, but I think I did a good job.

She smiles again and we find the compartment. We sit down and start to talk about our summers.

<<<<<<<<<Time skip brought to you by Lily's attack pointe shoes>>>>>>>>>>>

We walked towards where I thought the carriages would be, but instead there are small two person coaches. "Hey Lily, want to-" I turn, but she's gone. Probably forgot her scarf or something. I shrug and enter a coach, petting the two thestrals pulling it on my way. I sit down and get my stuff settled. While wrapping my scarf around my neck, I hear three voices outside.

Voice one: "No, it's fine Padfoot. Go sit with Moony, I'll be Ok."

Voice two: "You sure?"

Voice three: "Ok Prongs. See you at the feast."

The door opens, but I already know who it is.

James Potter.

(Whew. More than a 1000 words. A 1000 is my goal for each chapter. Hope you like it. :D -Nobody)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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