Chapter 11 (EDITED)

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I open my eyes to a dim room. I faintly recognize it as Trevor's room. I try to get up but something holds me to the bed. I turn around to see Trevor's arm wrapped around me. I smile at the soft snores coming out of his perfect mouth.

Wait...why am I in a bed with him? I try, once again, to get out of his grasp but his arm tightens on me and he buries his face into my neck. My body stiffens as tingles surround me. Trevor breaths out a sigh and his breath makes a shiver go down my spine. to get up.....what would Gwen do? She would do something very evil which will probably do the job, but what to do? Oh! I know! I remember that Gwen left something under the pillows last time I was in here. I use my free arm and search under the pillow until I hit something. I pull it out and see a can with a brightly colored.

I close my eyes and aim the can at Trevor. A loud noise comes from the can and a sticky, pink string comes out of it. Trevor's face goes from the peaceful, sleep to complete and utter shock. I am released from his hold as he falls to the floor with the sting stuck to his hair.

"What the hell?! Silly string?" Trevor's voice sounds from the floor.

I giggle and look at the label. Silly string...perfect name for the stuff. The can is suddenly ripped from my hand and into Trevor's hands. "You really shouldn't have done that."

I gulp involuntarily. "You wouldn't let me go."

He nods his head in understanding before turning around. I sigh in relief but he quickly turns around and sprays me with the string. I squeal in surprise and hold my arms up above my head in a protective manner. The door busts open and Gwen stands in the doorway with a concerned expression.

"What the hell is going on in here?" She questions while putting her ands on her hips.

Trevor lowers the can and I try getting the stuff out I'd my hair. He points to me and exclaims, "She started it!" Gwen burst out in laughter at his childness.

"Yes I did start it, but you wouldn't let me go." I say while getting the final bits of the string off of me.

She crosses her arms over her chest before coming over to me. "Are you okay now?" I nod my head and she pats my back. "Good. Now come on, you two. Breakfast is ready." She stands up and skips out the door.

"Come on." Trevor says while gently putting a hand on my shoulder.

I jump slightly at the feeling of the shocks running down my arm before nodding. He just laughs and leads me into a room with a very large table. Why is he acting so different? Gwen grabs my arm and pulls me into a seat in between her and Marie.

Trevor scowls at the no longer empty seat before sitting in the last empty seat next to a man that looks very much like him. "Thank you for joining us, Trevor and Lacey. Now that everyone is here, you can eat."

As he finishes, everyone dives for the utensils in each dish and fill their plates. I giggle slightly at their eagerness for random items.

"Lacey, you must try my mom's strata. Its freaking amazing!" Gwen says while placing a slab of egg, bread, sausage, and cheese into my plate. (Strata is like an egg and bread casserole with cheese, sausage and or ham in it. It's freaking awesome!)

I look at her oddly before picking up a fork and taking a bite out of it. I let out a moan as I chew the food.

Trevor looks to me and his eyes darken. Marie looks at me and laughs. "Its awesome, right?"

I only nod my head for my mouth is full. I swallow my bite and sneak a glance at Trevor staring at me with an emotion I had never seen in a long time in his eyes. Love. He looked at me with love.

'OUR MATE LOVES US!!!' She screams in my head. I visibly wince at the sound and everybody gives a look of concern. I point to my head and they laugh in understandment.

"Could you please not yell so loud. You are in my head." I say and eat some more.

'I'm sorry but I'm just so happy!' She says while prancing about.

"So...Lacey. Could you tell us a little more about you?" Gwen and Trevor's father ask while looking to me.

I quietly clear my throat before speaking. "We'll, there is not much to tell. I live alone in the woods and spend everyday playing with the baby animals that live there. Um...I don't know really what else to say."

"What about your parents?" Someone asks.

"I don't remember them. My earliest memory is waking up to my current home and being raised by a mermaid." I say casually. I look at them all with their mouths almost hitting the floor. "What is the matter? Did I say something wrong?"

Gwen's mom speaks up first. "No. Of course not dear. Its just...nobody has had contact with the merfolk in hundreds of years." Everybody nods in agreement. After a few minutes of silence, another person asks a question.

"How old are you?"

"Um...somewhere around four hundred maybe a little over that. I didn't really count." And once again everybody's mouth are ajar. I laugh a little while Gwen, Marie, and Gwen's mom laugh with me.

Their father then frowns and looks to his wife. "Emma, why do I have a feeling you have known about this and I was not told."

"Calm yourself, Todd. I have to keep some secrets from you when both you and Trevor keep them from me and Gwen." Gwen's mom, Emma, says while giving him a look. He nods and looks away from his wife's gaze.

I laugh slightly at his behavior towards his wife. I stand up with my now empty plate and take it to a kitchen adjacent to the dinning room. I jump when a pair of arms wrap around my waist, sending warm sparks to spread. I lean into their embrace and they bury their head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you." Trevor's voice whispers into my ear.

"I forgive you."  I whisper back and walk back to the dinning room where both Gwen and Marie are jumping in their seats. "What is wrong with you two?

"Oh...nothing." Marie says while I sit back into my seat.

"Mmm hmm." Trevor walks back into the room with a huge smile on his face.

Todd clears his throat and gathers everyone's attention. "Okay everyone. I suggest you all start getting ready for school." All of the younger looking people nod except for me and they all leave me with all of the adults.

"Lacey, would you like to go to school as well?" Emma asks me and I nod. "Okay. Just go to Gwen's room so you can get some clothes and then you can go. Alright?"

"Yes. Thank you." I say while getting up and heading out of the room. School...

-----------------------------------------------------------The picture above is something I drew myself of what I think the pink haired unicorn looks like.

One Of A Kind (Editing)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now