Chapter 2 (EDITED)

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Not but minutes after leaving my waterfall, I was bombarded by the many baby animals. The wove in between my legs laughing and begging me to play. I laugh back at them and say yes.

They then run to the meadow that was located in the middle of our forest. I stop in my tracks and see that same unicorn and a tiny child with blue hair on its back prancing around the meadow.

My body froze as I watched them for a few seconds. I shook my head and the unicorn and the child disappear. I look at the meadow in confusion before putting the image at the back of my mind.

I put a smile on my face as we entered the meadow. Many other animals are in the meadow and greet me as I follow after the little animals. I've known their parents and grandparents since they were born. I had stopped growing at about eighteen summers.

The baby animals frolicked about and played tag as I lay down to watch them. The grass suddenly becomes an interest to me and my stomach growls. I laugh at myself and gracefully ate the grass below me. Before I knew it, a great amount of weight is dropped onto my back follows by many giggles.

I turn my head and see all of the smaller animals on my back. "What are all of you doing on my back?"

"Nothing...." They all say at the same time.

"Ohhh really. Then you wouldn't mind if I got up?" I stood up with all of them still on my back, their screams of excitement as they tried to sat on my back.

The parents look to the source of the screams then shake their heads, laughing at their offspring.

"Put us down!" They say randomly as I walk towards the parents.

Each parent claims their offspring until nobody is on my back. They all thank me and move on to somewhere else. Yes...some free time.

I started walking out of the meadow and into the trees. Without my acknowledgment, Rebecca, my inner unicorn, takes control over my body and leads me through the forest.

"Rebecca! Give me back control! What are you doing?" I question as we approach the edge of the forest. "Oh no...don't! We will be seen!"

Soon after I finished she changes our appearance, for anyone that might see us, to a regular white horse.

'Better now?' She asks while continuing our walk.

I didn't respond. Stupid unicorn. She stays hidden in the trees but takes a left and follows it till we stop in front of a building full of humans.

Out of one of the side door comes a boy about my age and looks around sniffing...wait. Sniffing?

My face twisted in disgust when he started to remove his clothing. His skin rips open and grows reviling black fur until a wolf, a little shorter than I, stands in the boys place. The wolf starts walking towards where we were standing. Rebecca panics and gives me back control.

"Thanks for leading us to our doom..."

The wolf growls at me and crouches down, preparing to pounce at me. I whinnied as I felt its teeth sink into my neck. The wolf continued its assault until I fell to the ground, struggling to breath. The wolf huffed before returning to his clothes and turning back to his human form.

"Stupid beast shouldn't have come onto our territory." His gruff voice sounds while giving me one last look.

I just lay down and consintrate on healing myself but my wounds won't shut. I attempted to stand up but ended up falling back down.

My vision started to blur when a figure appears next to me. I try to look at the figure but my head felt like I was carrying a tree on my horn. The figure puts his arms underneath me and lifts me with ease and starts carrying me. Eventually I see a huge object come into view and other figures come out and talk to the one carrying me.

They lead him inside the large shadow and place me down on something soft. I attempted to stay conscious, but sleep wrapped around me.


I woke up to find myself in what looks like a large room with dry grass covering the ground. The room was white with a square like sun above my head. A white cloth laid over my body, covering me up. A door behind me opens to reveal a man with pale skin, yellowish eyes and a white coat.

" she is awake, finally. Let's see how you are doing..." He comes around the table that I am on and lifts the blanket off to reveal white patches attached to my back, stomach and neck. He slowly lifts them off and looked at my nearly healed wounds.

"Wow. You are healing a lot faster than normal...John, you might want to come in here."

The door opens again and a man with blonde hair and the same yellow eyes as the first man comes in and looks at my cuts.

"What's the problem? She is healing, is she not?" I'm guessing, John asked the man in the white coat.

"Yes she is but that not the problem. I was in here an hour ago and they were bigger and a lot worse than they are now. She is healing a lot faster than a normal horse."

'Horse?! I happen to be more than a horse buddy!'

"She did smell different when I found her. We should keep her here so we can watch over her."

And that did it. I got up and knocked them over before charging at the door, breaking it. Other beings with yellow eyes sat outside the door as I bolt. I run as fast as I can, only to get myself lost.

Voices sound behind me in in front of me before something wraps around my neck and holds me still. Luckily for me, they can't see my horn. I snap the rope and run until something knocks me over, making me hit my head. Darkness over takes my vision.

One Of A Kind (Editing)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now