Chapter 13

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After the fire and snacks one by one everyone turned in for the night and walked back to their cabins.. when you got back you flopped on your bed and tried to sleep

You failed miserably because your brain decided to not let you and act like a miss behaved toddler who was told no

You let out a gentle sigh and pulled out a little portable video game console.. you made sure to turn the sound off and lower the brightness although it didn't matter too much since you had made the fort thing over your bed earlier

You were currently trying to beat your score.. oh how you were a video game nerd and a hypocrite to your brother Rin.. soon you heard a noise outside that startled you.. you peaked out of the blanket wall and looked at one of the windows.. the sound went off again it was like shuffling.. you looked over at the door and with the dim light of the moon you could tell it was locked even if your eyesight was sometimes poor..

You decided since the door was locked ain't nothing getting in and you weren't about to go outside and investigate because you weren't some dumb female character in a horror movie.. eventually after that you fell asleep

The next morning you were woken up by being shaken by Denki

"Y.n get up we gotta go to breakfast" he said quickly

You whined and got changed in your fort thing since you liked privacy.. you slipped on your sneakers and walked outside.. thats when you noticed a couple cigarette buds on the ground.. you could've sworn no one close to your cabin smoked but maybe it was your teacher or a worker so you didn't think too much about it

When you made it to breakfast you were made aware that your class had to cook together as a whole

Iida hummed and pulled a cook book from his little survivor fanny pack and began giving everyone orders.. you were stuck pealing potatoes with Mineta until Bakugo swapped places by punting him

"Morning" you said tiredly

"Morning.. you sleep well?" He asked you

"Kinda.. I played some games because I couldn't sleep and heard an animal last night" you told him

"That sucks.." he muttered out

"Yeah but we are literally in the middle of a forest at a camp so of course we will hear noises" you hummed out

He nodded his head gently

Soon some of your classmates took the potatoes to cook homefries

You quietly held your head.. it was hurting a little and you didn't have a good feeling

Bakugo stared at you

"Hey whats wrong?" He asked you

"Hm? Oh my head is all it gets like that sometimes" you hummed out

He nodded and soon Iida took notice.. he then pulled out some headache medication from his fanny pack and gave it to you

You happily took it with some water and eventually it went away.. soon everyone started to eat breakfast and you ate rather quickly.. all this fresh air made you hungry... that and you loved food

"Mon amie what do you think we will embark on today?" Aoyama asked curiously

"Probably some training and endurance" You said

"Why do you think that?" Denki asked

"Because we nearly die like every minute with random attacks that just kinda happen and they probably thought bringing us here to train is best" you explained

"That actually makes a lot of sense" Denki hummed out

After that Aizawa came over and confirmed your suspicions.. everyone was segregated and given goals

Yours was to figure out how to properly use those flames

You sat in front of three candles and closed your eyes.. your goal was to light all the wicks of the candles but one in the middle was to not be lit and you had to make sure not to melt them to nothing

You let out a groan of annoyance.. this damn quirk was annoying sometimes because you kept burning them all to nothing.. during the sports festival everything was the heat of the moment

But now everything was just strange.. you literally only realized you had this power for like what a month or two?

Although it was definitely better then just being a fox.. you wondered if you should ask Shoto for help but he must've been busy..

You just continued what you were doing with a sigh constantly closing your eyes to concentrate.. eventually two on either side of the three candled were lit.. but the middle was also lit.. but it was different

The flame was blue

You quickly looked around your ears turning every way to see if they could pick up anything.. sadly they didn't

The candle stayed lit for you and you just stared.. it was kinda pretty you smiled... this had to have just been some random thing you did

You decided to blow them out and start on some exercises

The blue flame came back on the candle.. you stopped and stared.. did Denki sneak in a trick candle or something?

You rolled your eyes and left it be

As you exercised you wondered how everyone else was doing

Soon evening rolled around and apparently the hot spring was now opened up

You were definitely all over that and got in your section of the hot spring.. each was sectioned off by second and first gender... betas and omegas were together as long as their base gender was the same and alphas were in a little sectioned off area in their own little pocket if the base gender matched.. from what the counselors said it was all even when it came to appearance

You didn't seem to mind it and the water felt really nice and warm on your slightly sore muscles

As you relaxed you heard a lot of commotion come from the boys side and the name Mineta soon came up.. there was then a very loud splash after you saw Kota punch or throw something.. you couldn't really tell

He then left soon after

Soon everyone went back to the cabin and Aoyama and Denki told you all about what had happened

You laughed.. at least the perverted boy didn't make it up the wall

Denki opened the cabin door for you and you walked in then they followed

After that you changed into some pajamas and went to bed

That Omega Is Mine: Reader X Bakugo X TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now