Chapter 2

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You flinched as you looked at your mother

"Oh god I knew I should of made you take your supperssants" Your mother panicked as she practically dragged you and Bakugo into the house.

"I'm fine mom.." you mumbled trying to not make her worry, though you felt as though your body was burning.

"Did that boy hurt you!" Your mother snapped

"Oi who do you think I am lady! some alpha full of hormones!" Bakugo snapped and set you down on the couch though much to his dismay he was definitely acting like it

but soon you heard a commotion upstairs and suddenly your three very protective Alpha brothers found there way into the living room

"Why is there an alpha with our sister.. and why is he in our house" Reiji your eldest brother grunted as one of your other brothers named Rin grabbed Bakugo by the collar

"Calm down! I asked him to bring me home" you snapped causeing your brother Rin to drop him

"Oh my bad!" Rin said with a smile scratching the back of his neck his four tails swaying as he held out his hand to Bakugo only for him to let out a Tisk and get up by himself

"So.. why are you home...?" Kona your quiet yet shy brother asked softly from his spot on the couch

"I forgot my suppressants like a dumb ass.." you mumbled crossing your arms

"So this Pomeranian of a boy did you a favor.." Reiji said as he crossed his arms

"Hey! Who you calling a pomeranian you tall ass!" Bakugo grunted

"can you guys leave him alone" you mumbled as your mini heat conveniently went away

"Your no fun" Rin muttered crossing his arms

Soon a ding came from the kitchen

"Oh the cookies are ready" Kona hummed causing Reiji and Rin to run into the kitchen as to fight over the cookies only for them to let out a scream yelping that it was too hot

"Why are they like this.." Kona mumbled disappointedly as he got up and walked into the kitchen

Your mother decided to follow suit leaving you with Bakugo

"So omega.. you better be more careful.." Bakugo grunted

"I-I know that" You mumbled and crossed your arms

"Well I'm gonna go now I gotta get my ass back to school" Bakugo grumbled out as he got up beginning to walk away

"Wait! Don't leave.. I mean your already out of school so what's the difference if you stay... and besides you can just tell them you helped me so I don't think they would yell at you..." You mumbled nervously, knowing that if your protective friend Izuku were to come over today he would surely freak out but you wanted to give the alpha a shot

"Fine besides it serves you right for me having to carry your ass out of school.." Bakugo grunted

You simply rolled your eyes kinda regretting your decision as the alpha male sat beside you soon Rin ran out of the kitchen with a large plate of cookies slamming it on the coffee table

"Try them! Kona did such a good job they are amazing" Rin said happily

You paused before eating one of the cookies "Wow this tastes like a caramel mixed with strawberry boba tea!" You yipped happily

Bakugo paused zoning out as he watched your every move before eating one of the cookies, a soft smile appearing on his face. For some reason he felt at home with your family as it kinda reminded him of his

That Omega Is Mine: Reader X Bakugo X TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now