Chapter 7: Tears

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(AN: Hi everyone, we're back with the next Chapter of Unlikely Pair. This chapter WILL contain things that may be triggering to some of the audience.)

No One's POV:

At the moment, all the members of Team Red and Tigress are in the HQ's kitchen eating breakfast(excluding Player because he is at his home). Not much was said given the fact that many of them were still processing all that they had learned. Shadowsan and the red-headed siblings had drawn their own ideas of who Tigress was based on previous interactions. Now that the truth of her past was coming to light, they had begun to rethink what they knew. 

After a while, everyone finished eating and moved back over to the lounge area. Once they were seated, they waited in anticipation for the story to be continued. That when Carmen broke the silence "Ok, now where we? O right, after the match........"  


Black Sheep's POV:

After my match with Sheena, the other students congratulated me on my win before continued their hand-to-hand combat training. Since I'm officially at the top of the class Coach Brunt dismissed me for the rest of the class.  As I exited the training gym, I started to make my way outside to talk to Player when I noticed something on the ground. On closer inspection, I saw that it was a drop of blood. Concerned I glanced at the floor and saw more blood in a trail heading toward the infirmary. But the only one who was injured lately was...... Sheena. I began walking to the infirmary with a million things going through my head. 'I know that we went at it pretty hard, but I could've sworn that I didn't cause any injuries that drew blood'. Before I knew it I was at the infirmary and opened the door. At first, I didn't see anyone inside, but I noticed that the trail of blood lead to the small bathroom where I could hear water running. Sheena and I were never close but still, I was concerned for her well-being. Not knowing what I would find, I gently pushed open the bathroom door and was mortified by what I saw. Sheena had blood coming out of several deep cuts on her side as she stared into the sink. The blood was all over the place and that wasn't even the most shocking part. What hit me the hardest was all the scars that were also along both sides of her waist. They were way too clean and precise to have been an accident.  Some were old and faded, while some looked a lot more recent. I...I couldn't even speak for some time, and when I finally did all I could do was whisper out her name.   


This caused her head to jolt up as she looked into the mirror and saw that I was behind her.

"Black Sheep"

I could see in her blue eyes that she was sacred, but the emotions on her face quickly shifted to anger.


"N-No I can't leave you here by yourself"

"GET OUT...BITC- ahh"

As she yelled she turned around to face me and ended up clutching her side in pain before kneeling on the floor. I went over to her and grabbed her arm, helping her up and having her sit on the small bench.  Once I did I went back over to the sink and grabbed some of the medical supplies that Sheena had brought into the bathroom and started to work on her cuts when she spoke in between heavy breaths. 

"I told you to get out Black Sheep, I DONT NEED YOUR H-AAAA FUCK"

"Try to relax, the pain from the disinfectant will be gone soon. And I'm Not leaving you need help and I know that you won't ask for it from anyone. So just SHUT UP and let me patch you up."

After that, she reluctantly sat quietly as I treated her cuts and the bruises that were now forming from our fight. It felt so weird seeing Sheena like this; almost.... vulnerable. It also didn't help that she removed her shirt exposing her very well-toned body. I tried to hide the blush on my face as I finished patching her up. When I finished I left the bathroom and went over to the medicine cabinet. Pulling out some painkillers and a glass before returning to the bathroom. I filled the glass with water before handing it and the pills to Sheena.

" These will help with the pain. I'll stay and clean up the mess, but you should head back to the dorm. There's still some time before class finishes, so no one will see you."

She then downed the painkillers and put her shirt back on before exiting the bathroom. But before she leaves the infirmary, I couldn't help but ask her a question.

"Those cuts and the did those to yourself didn't you? That's why you pushed everyone away right?"

At this Sheena stopped just in front of the door and tilted her head to look back at me with her eye starting to tear up. 

"If you tell ANYONE, I will really kill you, Lamkins!"

 After saying that she left me alone in the infirmary. To say that I was shocked was an understatement. While she didn't directly answer my question, the way she spoke told me all I needed to know. I tried to comprehend what I learned while cleaning up the mess before one of the cleaners showed up. Still, it was hard; one of my classmates is hurting herself and has been for some time. Just... what the fuck am I supposed to do. Without even realizing it I had started crying because it was then when I realized just how much I cared for her.


Just how long can you continue hiding your pain?

Sheena's POV:

'SHIT SHIT SHIT H-How could I be so fucking careless. She saw them, all of them and she even went as far as to ask if I did it myself.


Instead of heading back to the dorm, I went straight to the showers to clean myself up and change my clothes. The warm water stung my skin as it hit all the bruises that were forming. The steady sound of the running water made it easier to think, and that's when I realized something important. I was on the verge of a panic attack after the fight, but as soon as I saw Black Sheep standing behind me I came back down to earth. Even though I was mad at first, during the whole time she treated my wounds...

My anxiety never kicked in. 

I was....strangely calm about it. 

And when she asked if I was hurting myself, I was sad yet relieved that she knew. 

'Why the hell is this happening? Why am I not anxious or mad that she found out? Why am I madder at myself for possibly letting someone else see me like that? Why...why am I scared? Why do I care what she thinks of me? After all this time of pushing everyone away, why am I scared that I might have actually pushed Black Sheep away for good?' 

At that thought, I ran my fingers gently over the bandage I had on my side. No one had ever cared enough about me to take care of me. Even though I treated her horrible, she still.....cared. I don't want to lose her. 

I couldn't help but let some tears fall, as I started sobbing quietly in the shower. I placed my hand over my chest as I feel a pain in my heart. I can no longer deny that I have feelings for Black Sheep. I may not believe in God, but even so, I prayed that I didn't destroy my chance at being with her. Soon more tears fell, as I tried to get myself together. 

Black Sheep

Will you be the one who pulls me out of the darkness or the one who cut the last thread holding me up. 

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