1.2 | Core Villain System

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After hearing the rumors being spread about him, Sheng Yi didn't put much thought to it. He went along his day taking a look around and then went back home.

When Sheng Yi steps into his room another ring came from his mind.

[I'm System 002. If Host wants me, I'll be your system from now on.]

This time the voice sounded drastically different from the previous.

Sheng Yi raises an eyebrow in amusement. Multiple possibilities came to mind as to why the core would send him a different system from before.

'Are they so generous to let a system go free and separate from headquarters?'

Sensing its host wanting answers the system was quick to explain.

[I'm a villain system. Although I'm one of the few original creations, the core has been weary of me lately. The core decided it would be best getting rid of me.]

Sheng Yi nodded with deep understanding of that explanation. The core of all systems must've noticed the villain system getting stronger and felt threatened. Due to the nature of a villain system it couldn't be too sure that there won't be any retaliation in the future.

"Do you have your own center core now?" He was curious as to how much the core was willing to pay to get rid of this villain system.

[It was given to me the moment I was sent here. I'll be able to completely absorb it only after you have agreed to become my host.]

"Give it to me."


The system feels speechless. It has never met a host that knows and understand so much knowledge about systems before.

[Host... I don't know if I'm allowed to give you the core. To be honest, hosts aren't suppose to know these things in the first place so there aren't any rules about this...]

Sheng Yi gives the system a look as if asking: Are you dumb?

"You're a lone system without any headquarters anymore and soon a core itself. What rules are there?"

The system is once again stunned by its host. What Sheng Yi said is correct, but if it can do whatever it wants won't there be consequences?

[Does that mean Host agrees to be bound to this system?]

"Give me the core first."

Without anymore previous hesitation, the system drops the core into Sheng Yi's palm. It watches as the core shines and runes appear. Sheng Yi carefully brush his finger on the surface.

Golden runes start to appear and Sheng Yi bites his finger. He swipes his blood across then a wisp of his soul float out of his body and enters the core.

[...] If it had a body, it would've fainted by now. Why does its host know how to do such a thing?!

Throughout the whole process the system just wanted to go on a rampage spinning around hysterically as it holds back all the questions it wanted to ask the host.

"Done." The moment Sheng Yi said that, the core returned to normal as if nothing happened.

[...] What 'done'?! What did you do?! You have to say more than just a word after pulling that kind of crap!

#Someone please come save the system before it dies from anymore shock#

"Absorb it. From now on I'll control everything."

The system hesitates while going haywire on the inside. [...U-understood.]

It absorbs the core and feel a strong power coursing throughout its body. Then its form suddenly changes from a bright floating ball.

A golden hoop appears and attached itself to Sheng Yi's ankle. It seeps into and becomes part of his flesh instead of a tattoo or an ankle bracelet.

"How is it? Uncomfortable?"

[N-no...] What can the system say? Does it dare ask the host why attach it to the foot? Absolutely not!

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