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Tony, Nat, and Rosie had arrived at the bar. They entered inside, obviously. Almost everyone was there. Steve, Rocket, Nebula, Bruce, Carol, Rhodey, even Bucky. Alex was there too. Natasha and Tony had split from Rosie. She was on her own, she sat down with Alex 

"Oh hey, happy birthday!" Alex said 

"Thank you" She said 

"I just gotta say, that dress. Chefs kiss, honestly." Alex said 

"Really? Youre too nice. I wasnt sure if I wanted to go with this one though." She said 

"No, it's perfect." Alex said, he suddenly gasped, "That guy, oh! He's so dreamy." Hemsaid as he watched him pass by 

"You think so?" She asked 

"You bet! Look at him, broad, tall, he's perfect" Alex said 

"Well, then ask him out" Rosie said 

"No way! I'm not doing that- oh hey, can we get her a whiskey sour, please?" Alex asked, the bartender nodded 

"Anyway, I'm not doing that. What if he isn't into me?" Alex asked 

"Then he's missing out. Go ask him" Rosie said, Bucky had seen them from a far. He couldn't exactly hear what they were saying but Alex was obviously very funny, Rosie was laughing. He had even ordered her a drink. 

"Getting jealous, buck?" Steve asked 

"No. I think I'm gonna go home. It's just a little hot, that's all." Bucky said, he was infact jealous, just a bit. After all, he didn't speak to Rosie after he had his nightmare that night, its just a bit hard when he didn't talk to her and some other guy is around her. 

"You sure?" Steve asked 

"Yup" He answered 

"What's wrong?" Rhodey asked 

"I don't wanna talk about it" Bucky said, he got up and left. 

"Okay, okay, as a birthday thingy or whatever, go ask that guy out"  Rosie said 


"I insist" Rosie said

"What're you my mother?" Alex asked 

"She says that alot?" Rosie asked 

"More than anything" Alex said, a bartender had fallen and everything was chaos. Drinks were all over the floor, people were slipping, it was a mess. Alex and Rosie laughed hysterically at the situation. Both being drunk from all the drinks they've already drank.

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