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Another day had passed. Steve and Bucky would come to visit Rosie, so did everyone else. Natasha brought flowers for her once, but they withered, and fast. FRIDAY was still running tests on Rosie, no one was there right now. Just Tony. Just Tony working on his suits and cars. 

"Sir, I've analyzed Rosie Rogers, also known as Robin Rogers. The results have come back" Said FRIDAY

"Okay, show me what you have." Requested Tony 

"Yes, sir. There was a small flaw in the Mega Medical serum." Said FRIDAY 

"Sorry, what? Mega what?" Asked Tony 

"Mega Medical serum was created in 1940, it can give abilities to those who inject it. One person was injected with it, Rosie Rogers" Explained FRIDAY

"Okay, well I can look into how I can fix that" Said tony 

"But sir, there's already a solution." Said FRIDAY 


Bucky and Steve were getting ready to go see Rosie, but Steve was taking a but longer than usual 

"Steve, what's the hold up, C'mon!" Shouted Bucky 

"Hold on!" Shouted Steve from the other room, he came back shortly after

"Finally, Now let's go" Said Bucky

"I'm going, I'm going" Muttered Steve as he walked 

"Hey, the daisies. Don't forget the daisies" Said Bucky, Steve had grabbed a bouquet of daisies for Rosie and they had finally left. The drive to Tony's house wasn't long, but it wasn't short either. Steve knocked on the door and Pepper answered 

"Hi boys, what do you need?" Asked Pepper, politely 

"Is it possible if we could see Rosie?" Asked Steve 

"Yeah, of course" Said pepper, Pepper had only found out Rosie was at there house when Natasha came by, she was a little mad at Tony for not telling her but wasn't mad because Rosie was sick. The boys had gone upstairs to see Rosie, but Tony was nowhere to be seen 

"Hey, Pepper? Do you know where Tony is?" Asked Bucky 

"Tony? He isn't there?" Asked pepper from downstairs 

"Nevermind, found him" lied Steve, they placed down the daisies next to the tube Rosie was in 

"I still have no idea how im goin to tell Rosie" Said steve 

"Just tell her straight up" Said Bucky 

"What? No, I'm not just gonna go up to her and say 'hey Rosie, yeah uh, we have different dad's. Turns out your Mexican-American.' no, that'd just be stupid" Said steve 

"Well, i don't wanna keep lying to her. I Did it once" Said Bucky, Tony had come back he was suited 

"Tony, there you are." Said Steve 

"Were you looking for me?" Asked Tony 

"No." Said Bucky 

"FRIDAY. I got the herb" Said tony 

"I'll extract the ingredients, sir" Said FRIDAY, a slot came out and Tony put in a purple herb 

"And what's that?" Asked Bucky 

"It's from Wakanda. There was a flaw in the Mega Medical serum that was used on Rosie, FRIDAY's going to extract an ingredient we need to fix it." Said tony 

"Extraction complete. I'll just have to inject it into Rosie Rogers" Said FRIDAY 

"Your not injecting anything into Rosie" Said Bucky and Steve 

"Listen, do you want her to live or not?" asked Tony 

"Fine." Said steve 

"Continue with the process FRIDAY" Said tony 

"Yes, sir", a light purple liquid was injected into Rosie. It was infact, the heart-shaped herb from Wakanda, but Rosie would not gain powers from it, there was a special ingredient that the heart-shaped herb had that would be the final ingredient to the Mega Medical serum. Rosie would still have her speed and teleportation, and force fields, but nothing else. Now all that was left, was to wait for Rosie to wake up.... 

Everlong | B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now