❤︎Chapter 9❤︎

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Taehyung Pov

Now that 2 months have passed I never spoke another word in school. I now only wear hoodies to cover my face, and I let my hair grow so now it covers my eyes.

My arms are littered with scars that are mostly self inflicted, but are also caused by people at school. I've thought about suicide many times.

I still go to school which I don't know why because I'm going to be going through the same routine every day . Once I enter the building a punch is directed at my face which sends me to the ground and that's when more punches and kicks are delivered at me, once I enter a classroom I get beat up again, once I exit the classroom I get beat to the point I pass out.

Whoever passes my unconscious body they just ignore it and continue walking. At lunch everybody dumps their food on me which then makes me go home and change and go back to school. At the end of the day I limp home, go to the bathroom, shower, sleep, then repeat.

So here I am walking into my school with a punch already being delivered to my face sending me into a locker and on to the floor.

"I'm surprised you still show up to school rapist" my classmate said as he continues to beat me up.

A few other students just watch while laughs fall out their mouth. Once he was done I get up and walk to my class.

I sit at my desk which is covered in insults and other stuff which I've been ignoring, and wait for the teacher even though I don't pay attention to my classes anymore.

I sit at my desk staring into space not hearing the teacher come in the classroom. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her speak "Ok class you have a group project"
Groans went throughout the room. A student raised their hand, "Miss can we choose our group members." "No, I will be choosing them for you" more groans were heard around the room.

I started panicking slightly knowing that I would be forced to be in a group with my classmates, everyone in the school despises me so that won't be good for me.

"The groups are-" the teacher started to list the name of the group members. "The last group is Jin, Hoseok, and Taehyung"

My blood ran cold as she put me in the same group as the people who hate me the most. I did know they were in my class, but I never payed attention to them hoping that I wouldn't have to interact with them in any way.

I could feel 2 cold pair of eyes burning at the side of my face. I didn't turn my head because I already knew who they were.

For the rest of the class I sat anxiously in my seat praying time would go fast so I could leave.

After a few minutes the bell finally rang. "Ok class your projects are due next week"as she said that everyone started packing up including me.

I sped out the classroom once I was done packing hoping to avoid Jin and Hoseok. But it seems like luck wasn't on my side, once I was halfway down the hallway I was grabbed from my hood and yanked backwards.

I let out a pained groan as my side hit the floor. Once I looked up I saw the 2 people I was trying to avoid.

Jin was the one who pulled me to the ground, and then Hoseok stepped forward grabbing me by the neck and coming close to my ear.

"Listen here freak, we don't want to work with you but since it's a project we have to. So here's what's going to happen we will start working in 2 days since it's only Tuesday, but this is the only time we are going to do things together because we don't want to work with a rapist you got that?"

The grip on my neck was getting tighter with each word he spoke causing me to lose air. I managed to nod and that's when he released the grip from my neck making me gasp for air and cough.

Hoseok backed away and kicked me in the stomach then continued to walk with Jin, who was just watching the scene snickering.

The kick only caused me to cough harder and wheeze out because of the lack of air my lungs were reviving.

As I was coughing I felt like something was coming up my throat, I continued to cough in my hands and when I looked down I saw blood.

I looked down at my hands frozen, I soon came back to my senses and managed to get up to head to the bathroom to wash my hands.

When I was done washing my hands I looked into the mirror only to see a cold emotionless face and pale skin. The face that once had a bright smile and tan healthy skin.

Tears ran down my face as I thought about all the things that took place over the last few months.

I soon got a grip of myself and got prepared for the rest of the day, not knowing what events would take place the next day.

A/n- Get ready for the next chapter :)
Word count- 911

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