❤︎Chapter 12❤︎

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Yoongi Pov

Everything happened so fast, people were crowded around outside looking up at something that I couldn't register.

I decided that I should take a look and see what was happening. I went outside next to everyone else looking up as well to see what was going on.

What I saw made my blood go cold. It was Taehyung, my friend, my baby, and my crush. Panic was all that was in my body, my first thought was to go up to him and try and talk but I knew that wouldn't work.

I decided to stay down just encase get decided to jump, which I prayed he wouldn't do. A few minutes have passed and his back was still faced to the crowed, probably talking to someone.

And not even a minute later I was frozen dead in my spot. My brain stopped functioning, I felt my heart drop. Because the person standing on the ledge had jumped.

I snapped out of my trance when he was just inches away from the ground. I ran as fast as I could towards him. I was crying a waterfall as he hit the ground, I rushed towards him as he lay on the ground lifeless.

I drop on my knees beside him while putting his head into my lap. I saw his eyes were still open but they were flattering every second. I check his pulse, it was there but it was weakening. I started screaming his name begging him to stay awake.



"Taehyung, bub please stay awake for me, please I'll help you, I'll make you happy, I won't let anyone or anything harm you, just please don't leave me"

"I love you"

After I said those words his eyes closed and his body went limp. That was when I started to panic.


Somebody then called them saying they would be there in 5 minutes. I looked back down at the boy laying in my arms.

We should have listened to him

We should have let him talk

We shouldn't have bullied him

I kissed his forehead whilst connecting mine to his and intertwined our hands. "Please don't leave me Taehyungie" I whispered.

5 minutes later

After 5 minutes went by the ambulance came and immediately took Taehyung onto a stretcher, and inside the ambulance.

The people told me what hospital they were taking Taehyung to and I immediately ran to my car to drive to the hospital.

I completely forgot about the others, too focused on Taehyung. As I was driving to the hospital my hands, as well as my body were shaking from shock and fear.

I got memories of the painful expression on Tae's face as he was being beat by others and our group. This was all my fault, if I stopped them this never would've happened.

I know he might not forgive me, but that's not going to stop me from protecting him.

I finally arrived at the hospital, and I immediately hopped out my car and ran into the building.

I went to the lady at the front desk to ask where Taehyung was.

"Hello, I'm looking for Kim Taehyung" I said with my voice quivering slightly. She typed something on her computer before turning to me.

"Kim Taehyung is currently in surgery due to a few broken ribs and internal bleeding" when she said that I felt myself go pale, more pale than I actually am.

"We will inform you when he is out of surgery, in the meantime I would like for you to go in the waiting room"

I nod while saying a quiet 'thank you' I walk into the waiting room and sit on a chair with my head in my hands trying to contain myself from sobbing.

Due to exhaustion I lean back into the chair and close my eyes, hoping to get some rest from the day that occurred.

3 hours later

I was woken up by someone shaking me slightly. I look up with my eyes slightly closed and saw a doctor. When I saw him I was up completely wondering what he had to say.

"I'm sorry to wake you, but are you Min Yoongi?" I nod gesturing him to continue.

"I would like to inform you that patient Kim Taehyung is out of surgery and you can go see him, but he is sleeping"

"I would like to see him please" I ask while rising up to my feet.

"Ok, he is in room 258" he said and bowed, walking away after.

I head to his room and open the door, the sight broke my heart. He was lying on the bed, pale and connected to a bunch of wires.

I walk in the room and close the door behind me. I pull out a chair putting it next to his bed and taking my hand in his.

"Taehyung, it's Yoongi hyung." I took a deep breath and continue talking. "I know you can't hear me but I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not stopping them, I'm sorry for everything you've went through"

My eyes started to water "I know you won't forgive me but I promise I won't let anything happen to you anymore"

When I was done talking I continued to hold his hand and put my head on my arm that was propped up next to Taehyung on his bed.

I slowly start to drift off into sleep not knowing that someone heard me.


Word count- 948

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