Wish You Were Still Mine

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Hajeongwoo filo drabble

Let me be the one to break it up so you won't have to make excuses

It was a gloomy evening for Jeongwoo, he's been staying in his room for days, not even going out. His older brother starts to get worried for him because he isn't responding to everyone.

"Yah Park Jeongwoo sinasabi ko sa'yo susunugin ko tong mga libro mo pag di mo binuksan tong pinto!" His brother Jihoon threatened so he stood up and smiled.

"Your smile looks so warm yet your eyes are saying different things."

"Hyung, I'm fine, really."

"Naur, come here. Talk to me."

Jeongwoo hesitated. He sure knows he'll breakdown once he talks about it.

"Minsan kailangan mo din umiyak at ilabas 'yang nararamdaman mo, mas lalong mabigat sa pakiramdam kapag sinasarili mo."

His brother has a point, he took a deep breath and started talking.

"I broke up with Haruto yesterday."

"What?? Why? Di ba anniv niyo na sana bukas?" Jihoon asked, kind of annoyed that the couple were not together anymore.

"Lately, these past few days, I know he's not happy with me anymore and it shows. He turned cold and became distant to me, siguro gano'n talaga kapag stuck ka sa isang tao minsan pagsasawaan mo rin." Jeongwoo tried to stop his tears, but it can't help but fall

"No. Kapag mahal mo talaga yung tao, hindi mo pagsasawaan." Jihoon immediately remembered his boyfriend.

"Look at sukkie, he's been stuck with me for almost 5 years, we had lots of fights but we're still strong. That's love, bae, hindi ka niya iiwan kung mahal ka niya."

"Kuya that doesn't apply for everyone. Yung iba umalis kasi nga mahal nila, nagpaubaya sila. They left because they don't want to cause pain to the other, they don't want them to suffer more. That's what I did..."

"What happened when you told him you're breaking up?" Jihoon asked and Jeongwoo cried even more.

"Hmm.. I said that our relationship is not healthy and happy anymore, we're both aware that it's getting toxic na, so why not stop already instead of wait for it na masaktan kami lalo. He just agreed, it was a mutual break-up that I initiated."

"Nagsisisi ka ba?"

"Slight. Paano pala kung hindi kami sumuko? Paano pala kung pinaglaban ko siya? What if we tried again, siguro we would be happy and contented."

"There are wrong decisions that we make, it harms us but we also benefit from it. If you're going to look at it in all angles, you're not only suffering. You're having the freedom and having time for yourself. I'll cook dinner first, you go and reflect on your mistakes. I love you."

Jihoon kissed the forehead of his brother and gave him a tight hug, then he left his room. Jeongwoo stopped crying and took out a box where all the memories with his ex, Haruto, are placed. Polaroids, instax and other pictures of them were there. Letters, and gifts, everything that reminds of their relationship in the past were there.

As he looked at their pictures, he wasn't crying, instead was smiling and having butterflies in his stomach. That feels when you had a crush and he made something that made you blush. It feels like he's going back when they were starting as a couple. No problems, no fights, just lovers giving affection to each other.

"Watanabe, when we were just starting as lovers you said that in the future I will use the same surname as yours. Even said that we'll have a happy family. Remember our first meeting at the library? You gave me your jacket when I was sleeping, I tried to find you but I saw you with some girl, I was dumb to think that you have a girlfriend when it was your cousin all along. Then we developed feelings for each other, you don't know how much my heart beat increases everytime you're by my side. And when you started to court me, damn, I was the luckiest person in the world. I gave you a sweet yes and we started to be a couple, I love how clingy and sweet you are. Your soft kisses and hugs every time I'm tired or down, those were all that I needed. We talked about a lot of things, about us reaching our dreams together and talking about our future. Funny, now look at us. No communications at all. I can't even stand to see you because I might crawl back again in your arms, I would look so desperate tho I was the one who decided to split it up. Maybe we're really not for each other. The cupids might have wrongly arched us. Destiny was wrong about us. God knows we will meet someone better than ourselves, but darling, you're the best for me. I don't want you to get hurt so I let you go. I hope you're doing good, I want you to be happy. I'm saying this for the last time Watanabe, I love you."

He kissed the photo and placed it back the box and went out his room.

"Hey, let's eat dinner na, are you fine? Oh saan mo dadalhin 'yan?" His brother was holding a plate and went to the dining room.

"I'll just throw this outside, susunod ako." He smiled.

He went to their garage and drove his car. Where is he going? Nobody knows. Few minutes later when he dialed his friend's number.


[Hey woo, what is it?]

"Are you busy?"

[No, just with Yedam,why?]

"Uhm, I have to throw something but I don't know where should I place it. Can you pick it hehe I'm outside"

[Oh yeah sure, I have the perfect spot. Just drop it at the mail, I'm too tired to go down.]

"Ok thanks, dobby, bye!"

He did as what he was told and drove back home.

"Watanabe Haruto, how I wish you're still mine, just this one last time, I'll tell you I love you."

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