Talk // jaesahi

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Our lips are moving, they're makin' words
Words turn to riddles, we make it worse
'Cause I'm not listening, and you're not listening, no
We try to fix it, it never works

Jaehyuk was in their dorm, practicing and trying to compose a song. A song for his boyfriend Asahi who's currently in Japan because he visited his family. Right after he finished the first verse, he took his phone and checked up on the younger.

"Hikun~ How are you baby?" He waited for minutes for the younger to reply. He closed his phone and fixed some parts of the song. After 30 minutes, he checked again. Sigh, still no reply. He thought that maybe he was having fun with his family.

He decided to take a nap instead. When he woke up, he messaged Asahi again.

"Hmm, what are you doing?"

He stood up and went to the kitchen to grab food. He was checking his phone from time to time. He waited until evening and finally, he replied.

"Hi, SLR I was helping mom. Good night :)"

He smiled and replied,

"No worries baby, just update me from time to time, love you, night."

He slept and woke up early. The next days, it was the same cycle. Asahi would reply only one or two times. Jaehyuk was getting sulky, he wanted to communicate with his lover even tho they're away from each other but it seems like Asahi is too much busy to give attention. He stopped messaging the younger, he wants Asahi to placate him.

It's been a week and he got only one message from Asahi.

"I'm coming home."

Jaehyuk just tossed his phone on his bed and played games on his pc. Hyunsuk went in and said the news, he just rolled his eyes.

"Are you guys on a fight?" His hyung asked

"He was ignoring me Hyung! I just want to know if he's doing well, he's not responding hmph." Jaehyuk pouted and Hyunsuk chuckled,

"What did you do after that?"

"I didn't send him messages and we have no communications for a week now tsk."

"You guys better fix that, my birthday is coming. I don't want our treasure makers to overthink why you two are ignoring each other in live."

Jaehyuk just shrugged and continued playing.

When Asahi, Yoshi, Mashiho, and Haruto went home, they were all greeted by the other members. Well except for Jaehyuk, he stayed in his room all day. Asahi once tried to talk to him but he acted like the latter was a ghost.

fast forward to Hyunsuk's birthday.

They are now preparing for the live for today, Jaehyuk shared a moment on weverse. After that, the live started. As expected, Jaehyuk and Asahi were ignoring each other.

"Aigoo, who are these couple who ignores each other but keeps on stealing glances lol," Haruto whispered to Jeongwoo and the two of them laughed.

"They didn't even try to be discreet." Jeongwoo replied and shrugged his head.

As the live was going, Jaehyuk was being flirty with the other members, especially to Hyunsuk. Asahi just glares at him from the back. Usually, when Asahi plays with the other members, Jaehyuk would look at them with adoration but now Jaehyuk doesn't care.

"Oi oi oi, Asahi you should start soothing Jaehyuk. Lower your pride and fix your fight, it will be worse later on." Yoshi said and patted Asahi's back.

Asahi was having second thoughts, he was shy and he's also mad. He just sighed, decided to talk with the older later. The live was ending soon and Asahi finally got the courage to approach his lover.

"Hey, Jaehyukie."




"Baby let's talk?"

Jae finally faced him, it was obvious that he felt butterflies when he heard the endearment. They went to the corner of the room where no one sees the room


He tried to keep cool, he was struggling.

"I'm sorry baby. Sorry for not replying so fast and if I act cold towards you. I was jealous because you keep on flirting with the other members and sometimes you get so close to them... I can't stand it, even the thought of you being with someone else makes me so damn mad. I realized that I was wrong, I'll try to be better for you baby. I love you, you are my yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I will choose you even in the afterlife."

Asahi cupped Jaehyuk's chin and gave him a soft peck on its lips. Good thing the camera was already off, or else they'll be dead by the media. Jaehyuk pulled him back to a kiss and whispered,

"You're my beginning, my middle, my end."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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