5. END

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"Oh ! Yeah yeah what's it?" Joe spoke as he looked up from his laptop.
"Geez! You even bring your laptop in the library"
"Um..hehe...you know writing , especially writing my  novels is only thing that I'm good at." He scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Yeah yeah whenever you write those you forget about the world around you. Even you forgot that you received 2 chocolate Box...and that's right beside you!" Adam shouted at his friend as he didn't even noticed being somehow a popular boy again on the valentine's day.

"Ah...today is valentines day right? I forgot. Hehehehehehe" Joe said as he realised that.

"But hey Joe...um...I know I shouldn't say something like this...but I heard that you didn't used to be this much popular, or I can put it as you were more to be the one like...lost somewhere?"


"And...that when you disappeared for about...two months...they say you somehow looked different after that time. Or more likely to say you and your personality changed completely. And the thing about disappearing... should I say it... missing...?"

Adam noticed that Joe's complexion completely in a blink of eye. It seemed more darker to him.

"...J-Joe...?" He gulped as he spoke.
"...Adam...? Are you... getting... afraid of me!? LMAO!! Hahahahah!! Oh my God! Someone save me please!!" He bursted into laughter as he finished his words

"Haha... actually that time I had some personal issues. Because of that I went on a vacation and as you heard I had completely different personality I didn't bother to tell anyone. But though... something happened which made me changed my personality completely. That's all."

"Oh I see...but Joe-"
"Oh Adam I have to go to the bathroom if you please excuse me...?" Adam got cut of guard as Joe couldn't let him complete his words.

"Sure.....oh yeah and one more thing. Joe you know what a new transfer student Just got into our grade today. I heard that he's a quiet personality. Have you seen him?"

"Is that so? No I haven't seen him. And I guess I can say by looking that he's a transfer, as you know right I know everyone's face in the school."

"Hahaha yeah yeah of course!"
"See ya then"

Joe went out of the library. Adam remained in his place. Suddenly came from behind and asked him

"Hey Adam I Just saw Joe cut your words while you're talking. He never does that kind of thing especially with you. But what were you going to say though?"
"Um..no that's nothing."

Though Adam said that but something different, mostly like those words which he couldn't say to Joe were running in his heads.
Adam was also a transfer student and Joe was his first friend who talked with him. But aside from basics Joe don't like other people  get to know much about him. But somehow Adam get to hear some strange things about Joe which made him to question Joe. But that's first time Joe rejected to hear something from Adam , which was bothering him the most.
And the thing he heard was , 'don't you think that was strange because Just when Joe came after being disappeared...that was the time from when Adam stopped coming'

Adam them who is that, just to be more shocked.
He got to know before he came there was also a boy named Adam who was called the 'sunshine boy' of the class.

"....do you know that Adam Joe?"
Adam mumbled to himself while standing in the middle of the library, recalling those.


Joe slammed the door forcefully as he entered the bathroom. He started to open all of the bathroom stalls with a great noise. After he was done, he stood in front of the mirror while breathing heavily. He washed his face and looked back at the mirror and that was the time when his complexion became completely dark with a creepy smile.

"He..he he... hahahaha! Phewww...that was close Adam..." He brushed his hair with his hands. Suddenly he started to look around.

"Adam.....Adam? Adam! Hey come on man come out already!? Don't you love me anymore...? Hm...? Oh... there you are!"

He started to look the back of him through the window and that is where he could see Adam...the love of his life.

"Joe you shouldn't fool around like that. That's scary as well dangerous."
"Wow...Adam even fears that's really great! Still...
Only I can hear..oh! Not only hear ...only I can see you. Don't you think this is enough to prove that I love you the most as well as you love me? Hehehehehehe. I even killed that drunk head from the bar because he was insulting you. FUCKING piece of shit..."

"Joe still... don't fool around be careful more."
"Aghhhh! Don't always lecture me like that. Although my time is coming to an end. I think my time is coming near to say 'don't you think that we can't leave before we leave something behind'  . I was dying to say this. Do you even know how cool this line is!?" He said dramatically to his own mirror self.

"What do you mean Joe? You already found something in this short time  after you killed me?"
"You always say I killed you. That pisses me even more.
Oh and yes a new transfer student came to our school. And what fascinated me most he got my ugly personality."
"Joe  I really like your this creepy expression. It stands out you're going to something very interesting to me."
"Of course you know me the best . Hehehe"
"Joe I think you're forgetting something."
"I'm forgetting something...."

Joe started to walk towards the end of the bathroom. But he turned to the place where he was before.
"I don't think so what you said though....oh! You're talking about the last door right? It's alright though even though I didn't open it. But I think I should still check it out right?"

The new transfer student, who was in that bathroom stall, started to tremble in fear. After witnessing through the door hole such a thing like talking creepily with himself, he remained silent in sake of his life's safety. But Joe finally noticed that that last door wasn't opened by him. So at last he decided to check that one out.
He let go the door knob from his hand and placed both of his hands over his mouth as he slumped down. He could only hear the footsteps coming towards him. But suddenly stopped and it seemed like they're going to the other direction , it made him let out a breath of relief .

That was the time when the door burst opened Just to reveal a phycho Joe.
"Hello there...new transfer student. Nice to meet ya. Though...I finally found you. Hehe... hehehehehehe...."


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