Jailey cheerleader AU Chapter 3: ???

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I sadly can't ping new people since everytime I add more people to the list I mess up and I don't have discord in PC only in web F

**Daisy's pov**

"Are you okay Daisy? You seem kinda off today" Sean asks, since my dad wasn't home to take me to school I decided to go with him

"Yeah!, I'm okay" I nervously smile "Just thinking about stuff"

"Maybe cheerleader stuff?" He grins

I chuckle "Yeah, we only have 2 weeks left so I need to think about something"

"Don't worry! You guys will win!" Sean smiles, trying to comfort her "friend"

| School's sport field |

"Daisy, you're seriously making us practise at 7am!?" Stacy, shouted while she was putting a bow on her ponytail

"Stacy!, she has said it like a million times now!" Milly, whose teacher was sick so they didn't have class for the next two hours

"Okay so what are we gonna do?" Hailey asks, curious about why I wanted them to practise at this hour

"Well, I've got the song and half of the choreography" I said excited about it

"Show us!" Milly squeals

| Minutes Later after trying to learn it |

"That was pretty fun!" Hailey says, after taking a sip of her navy blue water bottle which matched her cheerleader outfit

Stacy sits on the bench behind her "That looked really difficult but it was really easy!, you're amazing Daisy!"

The white haired girl smiles in happiness and relief, she was glad her friends enjoyed it

"Guys I'll be going" Milly says "I have to help Elliot in the garden!" Her cheeks were slightly flustered

"You mean K-I-S-S-I-N-G Elliot in the garden?" Hailey teases her, making the pink haired devil's face turn red of embarrassment

"Oh then why DON'T YOU GO AND ASK JAKE OUT?" Milly says, loudly, which caught the blonde singer's attention

Jake, whose face was slightly flustered, giggles from the distance

"Milly!" Hailey yells at her, embarrassed about what the little guitarist just did "Don't say that in front of everyone!"

Milly smirks and leaves the field to hang out with her lover

**Jake's pov**

"Some's embarrassed, huh?" I grin at the blue-haired cheerleader, Hailey

"Huh? No" She nervously smiles, looking at Daisy and Stacy to help her out, but the only thing they did was smirk at us "Whatever you say m'lady" I head back to where my team was

**Hailey's pov**

"What did he just call me?" I ask myself, my head was overthinking what he said, while my face was covered with a pinkish-red

"Just a friend" Daisy mocks "You're sure?"

"Whatever you say m'lady", that didn't sound like it" Stacy laughs

"Whatever, I'll head to my class" I grab my bag and pompoms and leave the field

| English class |

I walk past him, the blond haired soccer player with a huge talent and love for singing, he was taking his books from his locker

"Hailey!" He shouts, closing his locker "I wanted to ask you something" He comes to where I was

I look at him with a confused face, what did he want?

"Would you like to hang out tomorrow?" He smiles "Maybe in the new ice-cream shop next to the Rosy's garden park"

"Y-you and me?" I wasn't expecting that question

"Y-yeah" He nervously smiles

"Sure! I'll see you tomorrow" My face was covered on a light pink blush, I was way to happy about it

"See you!" His smile looked brighter than before

| With Jake, geography class |

**Drew's pov**

"Why so late huh?" Liam chuckles "You're lucky the teacher isn't coming and we have a free hour"

"O-oh, I um..." He looked nervous but happy at the same time, I couldn't describe how he was feeling "I asked Hailey to hang out with me tomorrow" He nervously giggles

"Like a date?" I shove his arm softly

He started blushing after I said that "What!? No! Just as friends" He nervously laughs

"Sureee" Henry smirks

Jake sighs "I already said she's just a friend to me" He grabs his bag and with the other hand he takes his phone out "Great" He sighs, again

"What's wrong now?" Liam asks

"Tomorrow my mom wants me to take care of my little sisters" He puts his phone back in his pocket "I guess I'll see you guys later" The blonde haired boy leaves the class

"He looked really happy about it" I sigh "I feel bad for him"

Liam and Henry nod in agree

| Hours later, with Hailey and Jake |

**Jake's pov**

I was talking with Hailey about our chemist project when I remembered

"I forgot to tell you, my mom wants me to take care of my little sisters tomorrow" I sadly sigh "If you don't mind we can hang out on Friday?" I say

"If you want I can help you, and then on Friday we can hang out!" She smiles, Hailey always wants to help me when she's able to.

I grin "Thanks Hailey! I'll send you the ubication" I say, taking my phone out

"No problem!" She smiles

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