-•> Chapter III <•-

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-•) Chapter Title: Boarding (•-

-•] TW | Anxiety, Voices, Mention of Abuse, and Blood. | TW [•-

Thank you all that either found this book or came from shattered! (Back in progress!)

Please support Ashe-Cat as much as you can. They helped with the editing/detail/story, so please support them !

[Fundy POV]

My body is abruptly pulled from its deep slumber by the loud sound of a car horn made from a car whizzing by them. Typical drivers getting mad at each other I guess. I listen to the familiar soft thrum of the wheels passing by. If a car horn was enough to wake me up I don't think I slept that long. An hour or two at most probably.

It's fine though, I don't get very long rests anyways no matter the time, night or day. I can't push the pain from my bruises away though as I give a small groan when I roll onto my side. Some days I don't even take a moment to get some sleep. Having a small amount of time, even for a few seconds or minutes to close my eyes and listen to something soothing or to rest is a blessing.

I warily pull my head up, my mind screaming at me to just flop back down and hope sleep consumes me again. To be honest, it was very tempting but alas, I lifted my head groggy with sleep and looked towards the window to see if I could recognize any of the places whizzing by the windows of the car all merging together in a sort of blur. The sky is still covered in a black sheet illuminated by white dots that helped to make up shapes and characters in the sky. The sight only made me sigh though because it meant that I got very little sleep, almost as if rest never called to me in the first place. And it's only 30 minutes to the airport.

I sit down in the leather seat, warm from me laying on it to rest for a few minutes and the warm air coming from the heater. I take a moment, before I get the strength and mentality to pull the rest of my body up, placing my legs in front of me. I'm just sitting in silence waiting for this ride to be over, and thankfully it might end soon judging by the building they had just passed.

I see the looming white building filled with large clear windows dotting every wall, the airport, come barely into my line of sight. The lights on the building kind of give it away though, making me recognize it from its taller shape compared to the buildings dotted around it. I don't know how to feel as my gaze falls upon it easier and easier.

I should feel happy, overjoyed even, that finally, after everything i've been through, I'm away from my Mother

I should feel happy about living with some of my closest friends Wilbur, Tubbo, and Nikki

But my mother is my only family left

And I'm nothing more than a burden to them all

My thoughts on the very subject continue to go on and wander until I finally hear something other than the cars on the road and horns blaring from angry drivers trying to either leave the busy drop-off lane to get somewhere else this late in the night or early in the morning in front of the airports doors or drop off a relative so they can catch their flight, heads looking anxiously lightly bouncing their leg or biting their lip out of nervous habit or staring excitedly out the windows of their cars with eyes holding stars in them.

Why do I think about others more than myself? Is that how much I want myself gone from this cruel world?

"We've arrived." I hear the Uber driver say snapping me out of a supposed trance once more as my gaze lands onto them trying to make eye contact as they look back from the view of the mirror in the front.

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