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The king pov

This afternoon we had our assembly and there I saw someone

She's a pretty girl..she has a handicapped brother and a sister

I think that she deserve something in her life but I am gonna wait for me to meet her again

Skip morning
Jk pov

"Good morning your majesty for today schedule you have nothing what would you like to do for the rest of the day.." Said my assistant while trying to catching up with me as I was walking faster

"I would like to live freely...." I said and my assistant got scared

"Y-your Majesty how is that suppose to happen..." My assistant said

"I want to explore the country without anyone just on my own..." I said

"But sir how are you suppose to go there without security I mean a king roaming around without security that's not right.." My assistant said

"Your wife roaming around at night that also not right" I said and he look down

"I am going there alone no one can't stop me..." I said and went to my royal chamber to change into normal clothes so people don't get suspicious

And I finally removed my gold crown and brush my long hair

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