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In the morning
Lalisa pov

I woke up feeling very not well since the king last night attacked me for no reason

I hope that this day goes well

"goodmorning Lalisa ..." There we go he's finally awake

"Good morning your Majesty..." I greet him politly and took my clothes to wrap around me

"Don't call me your majesty anymore because you're a queen now.." He said

"Even if I am a queen I am a human and I want to be equal I will call you your Majesty and you will treat me as a normal person understand..." I said to him and got up from the bed

But he grab my wrist and pull me closer to him letting me fall on him

"No I don't understand cause I only understand what my love toward you did and my love toward you say  to treat you like my master today call me Jungkook or any cringy name such as honey babe .....understand" he said and wanted to claim my lips as I wasn't saying anything

I quickly got up and said

"I am going to take a bath see ya..." I ran to the royal bathroom

Aish I got saved

I did my morning routine and took a quick bath.and I quickly wore a long black skirt with a black shirt with long sleeve , a black legging and a black shoes

I then got out of the bathroom only to see the king well ready

Wait did he just put these clothes on without bathing

He doesn't smell bad though wait let me smell his scent

I approach him and was about to sniff his scent when he turn around and forbidden me from falling as I shook off when he turn around

We stay at this position for a very long time looking at each other eyes

"Doll why were you doing  me...." He ask I quickly straight up my position and said "no nothing" I stuttered

"Don't worry I bath at the king bathroom this bath is just temporarily for urgent at night the real bathroom is somewhere else..." He said

"I..I didn't ask.." I said "you didn't ask but your mind ask..." He said "I am going to take breakfast " I said and leave him alone

Jk pov

"Your majesty today schedule we have a meeting at the gangnam for the discussion of man they recollect to go to military and to Seoul for the new celebration of the queen.." My assistant said

"Prepare all the preparation that are needed we will go to Seoul first then to gangnam

" yes your majesty.. "My assistant bow and left

I went to the dinning room to take breakfast as I enter the room I saw Lisa and her siblings laughing and playing with eachother

This remind me of my brother and I when we were little.... My mom would play with us and it was so much fun

I wish those will once come with my child maybe

I sat down and they didn't notice me until Lalisa sister said

" oh you majesty good morning..."she said

"Your majesty would you like to join us..." Lalisa brother said

"Ahh sure..." I said

Then lalisa's sibling run toward me and brought me where lalisa was sitting

"Your majesty unnie will feed you we are eating handmade kimchi made by unnie ..." Lalisa sister said

"Yuna no I won't do that he is a king he don't eat these thin----" I cut her off and said

"Maybe I haven't eat it before but I can't try it still as it is made by my wife hand..." I said.

"See unnie now feed him" her sister said

"Alright..." Lalisa whine and looked at me

She then took a little amount of food in her hand and brought it toward my mouth

She held my chin to prevent the food to fall when I will be eating

I slowly open my mouth and she put the food food inside my mouth

I feel love

"How is it your majesty..." Lalisa's sister said

I taste the food wahh this is so good

"Its good...." I said "its not good its super Dooper good unnie can make the best food ever ...." Lalisa's sister said

"Yeah...noona ....we will leave you guys alone now as we also have something special to discuss.." Haruto said

And they both left and now it just me and her

"Excuse me your Majesty----" I cut her off "aha jungkook you got it..." I said "ok fine Jungkook... I will go now..." She said and stood up

"Wait don't leave me alone feed me more food.." I whine
"Do you still want to eat it look I know its bad but you don't have to act in front of me..." She said

"What if am not acting then....." I said "what if I really enjoy your thing then..." I added

"Then you should keep it for yourself as I am not interested..." She said while being irritated "hey do you hate me that much.." I said

"I don't hate you I just still don't have feelings for you.." She simply said

"Then try to have some feelings for me..." I said

"Jungkook look there I marry you only for the sake of those people and for my sibling and I cannot like you as liking someone takes years and in this situation I don't think I will like you somehow..." She said

Aww that hurt the person I love doesn't love me back

"Then one day if we became parent will you love me then..." I said "Jungkook just shake it off you are bringing things too far that's a different thing if we would have kids it would still not make me fall for you..." She said and wanted to leave

I didn't notice that a tear escape from my eyes that hurt me

Nobody ever loved me for real

"Jungkook wait ar-are you crying....I...I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you...." She said

"You are right I marry you for the people then I should not fall in love as this is the sake for our people..." I said and left her

I went to my private gym to do some excises as doing excises reduce all the pain I have in my heart

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